bae prank {26}

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You know my for not uploading excuse: school.

how to advertise corn flakes. ^^

y/n pov

"I dare you to prank Joe." I  finally read it out loud to the camera. The most requested dare was this, which I have probably done, like, millions of times.

"Okay! What shall I do?" I asked my self, and a moment later I found myself on a website full of pranks. 

I laughed out loud, as I read the best prank option for Joe. "It says, 'if your certain someone is obsessed with his/her hair,' which Joe is, let me assure you. 'Then put some harmless flour or any white powder into the hair drier." I laughed again, extremely excited. 

I watched multiple videos, and they were funny as hell. 

"Guys, if Joe breaks up with me, I'll need some assistance. JK Joe isn't of that sort. At least I hope not."

I ran up to his room with my vlogging camera. As I walked into his bedroom, I could hear singing noises coming from his shower. I took some baby powder, which belonged to Louise, and her daughter. I brought it on top of the opening of the hair dryer. I placed a camera across from his bed, where he usually blow dries his fluffy, perfect, and precious strands of hairs. 

"Joe! Hurry up, babe. We're to be leaving in 10 minuets. I heard him mumble some curses before turning off the shower head. 

"Alright! I'm almost ready, love." He spoke loud enough. 

I quickly ran back to hide inside his closet full of scented clothing items. The bathroom door unlocked, and my heart started to beat rapidly.

Joe sighed, and ruffled his hair. Before changing, he headed to his hair drier. I was on pins and needles now. 

What if he attacks me? What if it's too much of a trauma for him-

"Fuck!" I heard the drier go off, and as well as Joe's temper. He sounded anything but peaceful. With the vlogging cameras set up, I jumped out of the closet with my hands out ward, as if inviting Joe for a hug. I laughed at the sight. It was as if Joe was crying or something. There was literally a moment of long silence. 

"You little shit." Joe laughed, still just wrapped only in towels. His hair was pure white. His body was also wet and covered with baby powder. "You're going to have to buy me a new one of those." He said, before lunging at me with his arms wide opened. I yelped as we fell back on the bed, with him on the top. I laughed as I felt his figures go a little under my top to tickle me. I couldn't speak. There was a moment when I was silent laughing. 

Tears fell from my eyes and Joe knew that was enough. He rubbed his powdered body on mine, messing me up physically and some how psychologically, perhaps it was the unintended friction.   

He lowered his baby powdered lip down to mine to share a sweat kiss. I broke away before his hands could crawl onto my hips or my hands traveled up to his wet hair. 

"Joe, we still have to leave in, like, 5 minutes." I giggled, still under him. He started shaking his hair violently, like a dog trying to dry. My whole top was covered in disgusting powder. His wet hair made mine slightly damp. I was already a mess. 

Joe got off of me and walked back into the bathroom, undoing the towel on his waist. He let go of the towel shamelessly, and looked towards the camera, smirking. 

"You could either lay there in baby powder, or join me in the shower to become adults again."




or none, it wouldn't matter.
JOKING - please do any of the above - because I get this weird as hell satisfaction from people appreciating my work. 

I know, weird. 

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