pumkins and puddins {32}

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Let's take a moment and celebrate 1000 votes: Amazing af! Thanks, all.

My obsession over joker is over. It was a short one. But here we go still!! 

y/n pov

The party was to start at 12 precisely at midnight, and here I was at 11:45 searching for a red lipstick to complete my Halloween costume. Joe was in the bathroom putting his own makeup on. His costume, I couldn't wait to see. Instead of searching for that lipstick, I decided to apply finishing touches. I curled the ends of my long pigtails and continued to spray highlights on each end with red on one side and the other side blue (sorry if you don't relate; just think of it as a wig or something). 

I further smudged my eye makeup by smearing a trail of blue and red eyeshadow with my fingers. I grabbed a slim brush to sharpen the edges of my eyebrows. After that, I moved down to my heart shaped tattoo right underneath my left eye, adding a little more life to it. I straightened my tattered t-shirt, clutched onto my jacket and grabbed the baseball bat before leaving the makeup room.

Through my peripheral vision, I spotted green locks gleaming in the light of the washroom. Instantly I knew it was Joe. Turning towards him, I saw that his face was glued to the mirror, as he was trying to put on my red lipstick on his own thin lips, making me giggle. He overdrew his lips a little, just like all jokers did. He pushed his hair back in annoyance, mumbling incoherently to himself. My heel boots click too loudly when I entered the tiled bathroom. He ignored my presence and continued applying the lipstick. 

"Is everything okay?" I asked. His lips looked just fine to me, perhaps even better than my own at the moment. 

"I don't know how I feel about this, babe. I look more sexy than scary, and something is really odd about this lipstick." He tossed the lipstick aside in a box of junky makeup, making my jaw drop. It was one of my new Tom Ford lipstick, how could he? Before I could address him about that, I saw a genuine hint of unsureness in his eyes. I grabbed his shoulders and turned him towards me. His freshly dyed green hair fell upon his face, which he pushed back once again with a sigh. 

"Hey, look at me," I spoke, sternly.

  He looked up, seeming bored and uninterested about the plans we had made tonight with our crew. 

"I don't know what you're complaining about: your makeup is completely fine!" 

I further inspected his makeup, not realizing how close I was to him. His breath fanned upon my lips, causing me to gulp. I felt his hands snake down to my waist, brushing against my slightly revealing waist. His soft lips brushed against mine before finally meeting. His lips were still wet and they tasted sweet.

Joe's hands lower down to the loops of my short butt shorts, pulling my core towards his. He groaned into the kiss, making me heat up all of a sudden. My body was starting to sweat as the kiss got deepened. He grabbed onto my waist and pulled me up on the counter, circling his hands on my nice hips (<3 ya'all are gorgeous, I promise you that). 

He pepper kissed my lips before bringing our little session to an end. I pouted, bringing my bottom lips above my top one. He kissed it once more, causing uncountable butterflies flutters in my body. 

He hugged me tightly and helped me get off of the counter. He stared at me for a little bit, causing me to look at my feet with a mad smile, almost resembling the smile of Harley Quin herself. 

I looked back up to see his devilish green hair and his bruised lips. I looked in the mirror and both our lips were a mess of lipstick imperfection, yet it suited us more than the perfectly applied lipstick. Joe looked into the mirror and messed his hair up a little more. His lips were now more captivating than before and mine no longer were bare but covered with a light tint of red.

We had achieved perfection through complete imperfection.

"You're all that I needed," he entangled his long fingers into mine and lead me out to our rented Purple Lamborghini. 

Over the hiatus, I have fallen into a NEW OBSESSION. 
No longer it is Joe, Dan, Phil or even the joker, It is...









Specifically BTS 

More like BTSaveme

Idek ^ haha. I may start writing about them soon

summer is near and all - - > Hinting fan fic yas. 

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