i mean, 'dad' {29} [smt.]

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This is hilarious! Read it. It's been a while sorry! But it's okay because I'm doing this for free so... lol joking. But it should be okay still.

"'O' mother fucking 'kay!'" I spat harshly into the phone while speaking to Dan Howell, my ex. We were at the highest level of comfort since we knew each other our whole lives. It was easy to handle when Dan broke up with me. That was 3 months ago, and here he was banting to me about my tweets towards him. About 1 hour ago, I posted a tweet, which I shouldn't have, which was directed towards Dan. I tried not to make it obvious. Dan's 'new' girlfriend recently broke up with him, like 5 hours ago. Phil had called me, asking for help and I was just holding on to my giggles.

So I tweeted, "what goes around comes around."

Lame, I know. But it burned him for sure. He talking into the phone with a calming voice but his words were laced with venom. "At least I learned to move on! Unlike you who is just sat around in Joe and Caspar's flat. Surprised that they haven't kicked you out yet like I did." He replied.

"Yeah, yeah. Fuck you too."

"I prefer if you do not fuck me. You weren't very good at it anyways."

Okay, that hurt. All his remarks hurt. His sarcasm and burns would cause the death of me.

"I fucking hate you, Dan!" That was a lie. I was still not over him, and it really, really hurt to see him with someone else.

"Oh don't think for a second I ever wanna know about your pointless existance ever again."

I've had enough! I canceled the call before throwing my phone harshly at the font door while burying my face into my palms. To my surprise, there wasn't a loud crashing sound.

"Ouch," a familiar voice spoke. I looked up to catch a glimpse of the figure at the door. I sighed, it's Joe.

Great, I hit my neighbor with my phone while sitting on his own couch. We're not that close yet, you idiot!

"Allright, love?" No, Joe. Don't you see these tears, this messy hair, and my poof red eyes?

"Yep, I'm fine." I pulled my shorts down so that they no longer looked like underwear. Yeah, they are pretty short.

Joe sat down next to me, not convinced at all. He examined my face before sighing. He knew about my ex but didn't know it was Dan Howell.

He pushed his hair back before locking eyes with me.

"What's that matter?" Joe asked, his eyebrows furrowed naturally.

Tears thrashed out of my eyes. Joe was so caring it hurt.

"My ex...I miss him so much." I laughed-cried. Joe smiled before engulfing me into a nice, tight hug.
I smiled into it. My body vibrated when Joe continued to speak.

"I completely understand, but that was a while ago. You should look for love somewhere else. You will find someone, I promise you that." I pulled away and started to ramble with his face completely red.

"I mean there are freaking 7 billion people out there! Like what! Yes, I know Bill Gates has a way greater amount of money compared to that number, but we're talking billions here!" I giggled through my tears and Joe blushed even more. He continued, "And then there is Caspar! He loves having you around. He is single and you are very pretty. I would not know why he wouldn't wanna be with you. Oli is another option, yes he is kinda chubby. Through he gives some nice warm hugs and has a lot of love. He will treat you like a freaking princess. I think he is single. I dunno. I mean what guy wouldn't wanna be yours."

Joe fell into a long silence. I bit my lip to hold back a smile, while Joe was blushing a bit. I brought my hands up to his face to fell them. His skin was burning and so was mine. I smiled as we locked eyes. Joe took my hand from his face and held it tight into his. Clearly he was dropping hints that he wanted me. But I was in the very mood of teasing him. We held eye contact about a minute, it felt like, before I spoke.

"Hm. What about Harry Styles, do you think he would want me?" Joe's eyes were fixed in my lips as I liked them a bit to make sure they were mosturized.

"Definitely, he would definitely kiss you right now." Joe move so he was one top of me, kissing my full lips. I let out a moan to my surprise and he moans back into the kiss, sending chills down my spine.

He slid his head down and continued to kiss my jawline while running his hands up and down my sides. I held his hair with my figures as he continued to pleasure me. His short yet perky kisses were turning me on. Joe paused to take off his shirt and I took this time to take my off as well. When Joe uncovered his face, his jaw tightened while scanning my body. My shorts were basically underwares, so I was basically in my underwears, while Joe was fully clothed.

Joe spoke, "You sure you wanna do this?" He bit his lips, lustfully scanning my body. I knew it was too late to go back. We both wanted some sexual contact, it at least I did. "I mean is it too early to do this?" He trailed his fingers down my sides, making me shiver once again. I closed my eyes, thinking about Dan and how he was the one I actually wanted. Maybe I could learn to love Joe. But it was going to be very hard.

"Joe, it's been many months since the break up. I think I am ready."

That's all he needed to hear before he dived into my body, kissing every inch that were burning to be touched. Pants and moans left my mouth as Joe scooted closer to my underwear.

He locked eyes with me before pulling down my shorts, keeping my underwear on. What a tease. He moved swiftly between my legs and started kissing my inner thighs. He scooted closer, centimeters every 10 seconds. It took him so long to get to the spot I wanted him to be at. He kissed me through the thin fabric and I moaned loudly. He looked and a I bit my lip. "Please," I pleaded. Joe nodded. He pulled down my underwear.

Thoughts ran by me. Oh shit, did I shave down there. I mean it's been hard to remember since I am not dating Dan any more. He was the one I shaved for. No one else. I smiled when I realized that I did. A sigh escaped my mouth in my mind. Joe dropped my underwear on the floor before continuing to tease me. He got between my legs, kissing my inner thighs for a couple of seconds before aligning his face from my sensitive area. My breath hitched when I felt his breath on my core. It's been so long since I have finally gotten intimate with someone. Joe locked eyes with me before looking back down. I held onto his soft hair as he got closer and close to my core.

Finally, his lips settled down on my body once more. I moaned so loud that Joe stopped to look up. "Keep going," I barely mumbled. Joe worked his lips, making a pool wetness grow within my core. I was close. I bumped my hips up before of the amount of pleasure. Joe brought his hands up to my hips to hold me down. I pulled on his hair a bit, indicating I was close. I closed my eyes muttering loud curses and moans. "Fuck, oh fuck. I'm almost there. Oh gosh! Fuck... *comes* fuck Dan..." I almost yell.
Joe abruptly stops cleaning me and locks eyes with me.

Oh fuck! Did I just fucking moan Dan, my ex's name while having sex with my flatmate? What the fuck! I gotta recover, dammit.

"I mean, 'dad' that was amazing." I moaned slightly. Joe continued to clean me up.

Both the blow and the recovering was amazing. I bet he likes daddy kinks.


Guys happy summer.
I hope you enjoy your summer! I will try to post a few more smut before summer ends! DID YOU LIKE THE DAN HOWELL REFERENCE OR SHALL I STOP? I'll stop if you want!

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