the game {30} smt prt 2

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I knocked on Joe's bedroom door, fixing my hair and my lazy outfit a bit. Joe opened the door, and I instantly noticed the lack of emotions through his face. I smiled, but I did not get one back. Taking small, lazy steps, I walked into the room with my back slouching. I heard Joe close the door a bit loudly, making me flinch slightly. I couldn't care less as I fell back on to his bed, almost imitating a child making an angel in the layer of snow a top of the earth's crust.

I gazed over to Joe to see if any emotions had returned. His face was resting in a smile now, while he continued to bite his bottom lip between his set of teeth. 

"What took you so long?" Joe asked, completely focused on something else as he scrolled through his phone. He was probably watching porn. (JK)

"Oh you know. Just saying goodbye to Caspar and Zoe." I smiled at Joe when I noticed his smile drop a bit. "What did you want from me for anyways?" He looked so bothered by my actions recently. It was a different kind of bother, almost a 'burn in jealousy' kind of bothered. Sexually bothered. And he did not know how to express it. The thought of that made me almost giggle out loud.

Joe came over to sit next to me, awkwardly staring at my face with an sinister smile. "It's a bit hot in 'ere, isn't it?" I nodded.

He shifted a bit before taking his shirt of right in front of me. I gazed till the time allowed me to. As soon as Joe was able to see, I shifted my gaze to the ceiling.

Two can play the game, Sugg.

"Yeah, I feel you." I took off my huge jacket, feeling chills instantly. It was not hot at all, but looking at Joe shirtless was making me feel warm on the inside. As much as I wanted, I couldn't let myself lose this game. I couldn't give in to him sexually, not this time. I then pulled my black tank-top off, revealing a black lacy bra.

I didn't even plan it, I just love the color black. Not going to lie, I have a pretty nice body. (YES YOU DO! DON'T EVEN DENY xx). I looked over to Joe and his eyes were trying so hard to look away, though he just couldn't.

"If you don't mind, these sweats are making me very uncomfortable as well." I spoke innocently. Joe finally snatched his eyes away from my bra to my face.

Clearing his throat, he spoke, "Yea, sure love. Go ahead." Joe brought his iPhone up to distract himself while I stripped off my pajamas. Good thing I was matching or this wouldn't be hot at all in my comfy grandma undies.

I got up and stretched, and Joe didn't even look up. He was doing good, but I was getting a vibe that he was going to lose soon. I could see him slowly rising bit by bit, if you know what I mean. (hahahhaa)

"Whatcha doing there Joe?" I walked up to him, as he was now sat in a chair. I placed my hands on my hips, and he still wouldn't budge.

Looking down at his phone he spoke, "Oh just looking through some fan tweets," he said. I waited for a few seconds, hoping that he would look up and be mesmerized. 

He still wouldn't look up. Some physical contact is needed to top this,  I though in my head. 

Placing my hand on either hands of the chair, I spoke straight into Joe's ears. "I need to use the computer. You're sitting on my chair babe." He ignored me like usually. I bent down a bit more to show more cleavage, but his eyes were glued to the damn phone. 

I moved further onto him till was on his lap and basically hugging him while using my laptop. He moved his hands behind my back and continued to use his phone. His cold skin against mine sent shivers down my spine. I heard him smirk while he continued to browse the internet. He was winning.

Clearing my throat, I scooted up on the chair. Well, more like I scooted up Joe's lap. 

"Fuck!" I heard Joe mumble before placing his hand on my bare back. It tickled, and I smiled. It was about time.

ThatcherJoe (Sugg) Imagines - on holdWhere stories live. Discover now