Jealous of Caspar {02}

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I was about to do a Yoga Challenge with Casper, which was very touchy in my opinion. Joe, Alfie, Zoe were helping us record it. Joe, Caspar and I had this awkward tention between us even if we knew that Caspar and I were just friends.

The poses were so awkward. At one point, Caspar's BUTT was against mine as we held hands near our feets. Zoe and Alfie laughed in a corner, which Joe bit his bottom lip, keeping himself from frowning. He held a face smile as I laughed towards his direction.

The tention became even worse when I had acidentally fallen right on top of Caspar and laughed to rid of the awkwardness. We laid in the awkward position, both tired in many ways.

Joe smiled a bitter one and left with his bottom lip between his teeth. He ran down the stairs and slammed the door close.

I gave Casper a questioning look, as he returned it back to me.

"I need to pee." I spoke as we both laughed. I hopped off of Casper and ran downstairs, to Joe.

When I entred his room, I didn't spot him until he shifted a little in his bed. I smiled before I hopped on beside him. The white blanket covered his flawless body that I had the luxury to interact with. His face red. I lifted up the blanket from his face.

He lay there shirtless, making me desperate to want him. He turned away from me, obviously indicating he was upset. I placed my hand on his hip. And kissed the back of his neck. His breath hitched inside the blanket he was tucked in. His beauty radiated. I inhaled his scent when he turned to look towards me.

"Babe..." I trailed off, not knowing what to say. Good thing he kissed me after that.

He connected out lips, and I could feel his rage. He pulled me closer, making sure that I was closer to him than anybody else. After a few 10 seconds, he broke the kiss gentally. Starring into my eyes. His breath tickled my nose.

"You're mine, you understand?" He spoke with a hoarse tone. I chuckled. So that's what this all was about.

"I mean it," He said again before pulling me into a hug.

"I know. I will always be yours," I replied back, lazily.

Sleep overcame us and I didn't care one bit about the unfinished YouTube video with Caspar, as I laid next to the most perfect human being ever to be born.


So freaking cute

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