after party {20} smt

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You guys please vote + comment because writing smut without appreciation feels awkward. I wont make it detailed sorry - unless requested. Be aware - this is more detailed then the first one. Okay start SPAMMING comment right now. - OH GOD im scared to write this (going to hell for lustful imaginations)

AND this is VERY BAD for any under 12 or even 13 - jk dont read till age 18 idek? tbh 14 is okay as well o_o

#NOREGRETS #maybeyesregrets #watismylyfe 

CONTAINS F and maybe other profane WORDS> YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. VOTE because this is just awkward enough. Comment because this will be less awkward? 

Sorry if you want me to say stuff like moby"dick, v-jay, cock-ey." I really think those words are way too crude and slightly out of place in any kind of smut. I understand if any disagreements. 

(y/n pov)

Joe was so eager, he couldn't keep his hands off of me in the cab back home from the party. His palms were placed against my thighs, caressing them.  His lips were attached to my neck hungrily. I giggled, maybe a bit too loud, because the cabbie locked eyes with me through the (rear?) mirror. I blushed and slightly pushed away Joe. He pouted, confused. 

"We are here," I chuckled. I got out of the cab, Joe followed suit, a little tipsy. I fumbled my purse to get out the exact amount. I felt Joe wrapping his hands around my waist and pull me close to his crotch. I slightly moaned. What the actual fuck. I just moaned in front of some random cabbie driver. He smirked. I looked at him with disgust before handing him a little too much money. 

"Keep the change." I said.

"Have a lovely night." 

"I will."

Joe pulled me by my wrist, looking slightly in a rush. Gosh, was he horny. I held the giggle in, as he fumbled upon the key. I swear it took him 10 minutes to open the hotel door. Hot, right?

I giggled as it finally budged. He growled hungrily before taking me to the sofa and basically dry humping me while making out. He held me down by my waist as I squirmed around to slip my dress of. His cold hand went up my slight exposed back to unbutton the back of the dress. I pulled it off much easily. Joe failed to pull his shirt off. His face was stuck into the neck. I giggled, and he blushed in embarrassment. 

"I got you, babe." I said, before helping him. I placed my hand onto the neck of the shirt and stretched it so that it would go over his face. His cheeks red, lips plumped, his hair in a perfect quiff from the shirt incident. His nose was of the perfect size. His signature smirk was spread across his pink lips. I kissed the multiple times before following his chin to the side of his neck. I pushed him back on the sofa, as I was on top now.

He pulled himself over me, now I was underneath. Clearly he was ready for intercourse. 

"Are you on pills?" He slurs, as he unclasps the bra and kisses the skin underneath. I moan some sort of 'yes' which he some how understands. He takes his jeans off, leaving both of us just in boxers. 

"Baby, do you have work tomorrow?" He stopped mid-kisses, taking me by surprise. I knitted my eyebrows a bit before replying.

"No. Why do you ask Joe?" He continued kissing my skin, before speaking. His lips move from my breasts to my ears, sending instant shivers through my body. Any where near my neck, you were sure to find a g-spot... (dan howell reference - ayee. uhh. sorry. )

"Good, because you wont be able to walk tomorrow." He whispered, making me all hot and bothered. I noticed my body getting warmer all of a sudden. I was scared and blushing at the same time - which was exciting but horrid. I had a huge grin spread across my face, waiting for what was yet to come. He pulled down my final piece of clothing. I pumped my core towards him, and he just smirked. Fuck. 

I was already feeling a sensation in my stomach; a complete bliss. His lips caressed my inner things, making me shiver all over again. I connected the tips of my fingers with his blond locks, pulling him close to my core, till his lips we on them. I moaned loudly, the one that I was keeping repressed till the moment. It felt like he was tickling me, with his tongue. It was pure bliss.

It was too good of a feeling, making me pull his lips away from my core and attached to my own lips. His fingered slipped into me, trying to make me ready for what was to come next. We continue to kiss and he continued his work down there. He broke our kiss to bring his fingers up to his lips. He licked them, and I just blushed as he continued to moan. 

"Ready?" He asked, I nodded. His pulled of his boxers and placed them under the sofa. I didn't want to look down at his core, therefore I continued to look at him. I didn't realize when it happened, by he was inside me. Fully wrapped inside me. I let out a sigh of sort, more overwhelmed with moan. I bit my lip and Joe followed suit. My head fell back into the couch pillow. I tried but I just could adjust around him. It was painful, because apparently I was extremely sensitive. 

The first time I had done this, which was very slow and not with Joe, I was limping the whole week. Joe continued moving his hips, without asking me if it was ready. I oped my mouth slightly to breathe in and out more easily. Pants lefts our mouths. Joe moaned and grunted now and then. I moaned with more pain then pleasure. Then came the time when I was completely numb, and it felt like heaven. Then my moans and grunts were out of pleasure. I was speechless, therefore I didn't tell him before ejaculating. He continued, clearly slightly tired with the workout. He followed suit. 

His body fell upon mine, cuddling me. We lay there for half an hour talking away the night.The I heard a fumbling sort of noise. 

"Oh shit." A voice screamed. I looked over the sofa to find Caspar just checking us out. Joe fell upon my body, covering me from Caspar. "What the fuck? So that's why you left the party early huh?"

"Would you just look away, Caspar?" Joe said, embarrassed. He pinched the bridge of his nose, making me giggle. Caspar turned away. Joe got off of me and gathered his clothes. I got up. My legs wobbled like jelly. I fell forward, making Joe and I fall back on the sofa.

"I guess I really can't go to work, huh?" Joe smirked before kissing me on my lips.

"I told you so-"

"I am still here! Hello, from the other side?" Caspar yelled. 


1238 words. yay

After that, carries you up stares, and you can imagine the rest. 

So awkward... 

This chapter may be deleted if there are no comments - because this is super embarrassing. Thanks for reading. 

I am listening to the worst remix of: I Need U - JB and Diplo & Skrillex - on pandora. 

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