Chapter # 3

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Pia sat besides her husband. She was not ready to lose him. She was crying seeing him in such a state. She was losing her sunshine in every minute. She suddenly felt dizzy. She ran to the washroom and puked. She remembered that she has missed her period this month and realized that she was going to be a mother. She was in complete shock. She wanted this to happen but not in this situation. She wanted Ayush with her at this moment of life. She wiped away her tears and smiled looking at her reflection in the mirror but tears did not let go of her eyes and they flowed again. She completely broke down. "Ayush come back to me!!" She cried like a baby. She kept saying that and cried. She gathered all the courage and went back to Ayush. He was not unconscious and looked at his beautiful wife. He knew how pain he was causing her. She loves him to death and she will break if he left her. Life or death was not in his hands if it was than he would definitely choose to live with Pia. "Ayu you know what? We are going to have a baby." She said in a broken voice but with a smile. Ayush tried to remove the oxygen mask from his face as he wanted to talk. "Ayush no don't remove it! Please quickly be the old Ayu who is my sunshine. I know you will be fine like before." Pia said and kissed his forehead. A tear escaped his eyes at the thought of leaving Pia and his unborn child. He grabbed her hand and she kissed his hand. "You trust me na?" She asked softly and he weakly nodded. "So trust me you will be fine." She added. "Mrs Kapoor you have to go out as we have to check on the patient." The doctor said and Pia took a last glance at Ayush then left. She wanted her child to get a perfect life. She wanted to live a happy life with Ayush and her child. "Ayu don't leave me. I am nothing without you." Her heart was saying this repeatedly. "Pia everything will be okay." Ayush's mom said while hugging her and they both cried. They both don't wanted to lose the most precious person in their life. Ayush's dad was also in complete shock as his only son was hanging between life and death. "I... I am pregnant mom." Pia said between her sobs. No one was sure about Ayush's life and it was the truth. Ayush's parents had no words to say in reply of Pia. They were also thinking the same as Pia and their hearts were also saying the same thing. The three of them were not ready to lose Ayush. The person who always made them smile and laugh in a serious situation was in pain now. "God please bring back everything back to normal." They all were praying this


No flashbacks in this chapter but next chapter will have. Do you guys like the flashbacks? Please tell me if you like flashbacks then I will add more. Hope you all liked it!

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