Chapter # 34

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Pia's phone ringed and she walked to the bed to pick up her phone. It was the last month of her pregnancy so she needed to be careful. She picked up her phone and sat on the bed with a sigh. "Hello!" She said. "So proud of being Pia Kapoor huh?" She heard the most dreadful voice. Sonali was on the phone. She was out of jail. "I got to know that you are expecting. This is your last chance to leave Ayush or else this time Ayush will not survive. You have one week to leave him or I will kill him. You will never let your child meet Ayush or else I will kill your child too!" She threatened. "I am not scared of your threats I'll tell Ayush about this phone call." Pia said. "Ayush is standing in the garden and my man has a gun aimed on him. You can still go and tell him." Sonali replied and Pia gulped. She was too scared to lose Ayush. Sonali hung up and Pia started crying. 'How will I take such a big step? I can't stay away from Ayush! I can't live without him! I have to leave him in a week! What will I do?' Pia thought while crying harder. She picked up her phone and searched her contacts. She stopped on Tej and dialled his number. "Hey Pia! Long time! Where are you yaar?" He asked. "I need your help Tej." She said. "Sure but are you crying? Have you fought with Ayush?" He asked. "Can we meet?" Pia asked. "Yeah! I'll see you at Cafe Coffee at five." He said and Pia hung up. It was already four so she started getting ready. "Ayush I am going to meet a friend." Pia told him. "I will come with you." Ayush said being protective. "Just shut up okay! I hate this protectiveness of yours!" She lied just to make Ayush hate her. "I will go where ever I want! I don't need you!" She yelled and left. She sobbed in the car the whole way to the cafe. She met Tej there and told him everything. She planned to show Ayush that she was cheating on him with Tej. She reached home and had a big argument with Ayush. "I love someone else from the start. I don't know why the hell did I married a nerd like you!" She said to Ayush and he was shocked at this sudden change in Pia's behaviour. "What about our child?" Ayush managed to speak. "This is not your child." Pia lied. "What the hell are you saying Pia?!" Ayush yelled. "I am leaving tomorrow. You were a great friend and thanks for supporting me in this hard time. Now my boyfriend is settled and I want to go to him. I will never forget your kindness Ayush." Pia said and hugged him. Ayush was totally broken and stood there like a statue. After Pia left he had a feeling that she was lying. He tried to contact her and reach her but Pia every time showed as if she was very happy. Ayush also decided to come back to life and started working day and night.

Flashback Ends

POV Ends

Emotional chapter! Do you think Pia did the right thing? Do you guys still blame Pia for leaving Ayush? How was the chapter? Did you guys liked it? I added Daayre up there because I was listening to it while writing this chapter. This song always makes me emotional. Love it!!!

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