06 | first kiss

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She's been having this affair with this guy for a while now. I guess I deserve it. I mean, she's been trying to get my attention for years, but obviously I didn't pay attention enough. It's funny how people see what they've lost when someone else has taken procession of it.

He makes her happy. That's all I care about at the moment. Though, I wish she would come back to me.


A knock on my door startles me. Instantly, I place the book Im reading aside and sit up.

"Come in." If i would've known who had knocked, I wouldn't have said it.

She walks in with a grace she doesn't know she has. She walks in looking like the goddess she is. And not the type that she presumed to be at school or at work, but the one which she was when she was his.

"Hey." She says as she places her hair out of the way. Sighing deeply as she closes the door and comes forward to sit beside me.

"Sup?" I ask as nonchalantly as possible.

"I don't know." She shrugs."I just wanted to be close to me again." She says with a sad smile. Sighing as she let her eyes wonder around my room.

"What do you mean?"

A muscle in her cheek flicks before she turns to look at me. A tired expression on her face. "You're the only thing close to normality here. I just wanted...I don't even know what I want anymore."

The silence that fills the room is heavy, but it's one that allows her to think. And I watch as her eyebrows pull together, as she worries her lip, as she plays with the hem of her shirt.

"Well, you could start by talking to me, you know about the past few days." I say quietly.

She laughs humourless, and I watch as the girl I once knew turns cold. "The past few days..." she clenched her jaw and if eyes could throw daggers, she was stabbing him to death. "You are seriously naïve aren't you?"

"Whatever do you mean." I glare back.

What she does next, I would have never seen it happening. And for a second I go rigid. It can't be happening, I think. But she's kissing me. Her soft lips pressed against my chapped ones. But just as she's about to pull away, I kiss her back. It's not pretty, as teeth clash against one another, as we kiss the wrong places, as our heads turn wrongly. But we continue, until we are siting comfortably, our eyes closed, our lips in perfect sync. I place my hand on her cheek and lean closer, but too soon, she pulls away. Not much, for her lips still touch my own, but enough.

"I'm sorry." I say. "I didn't mean to-"

"Newt, I didn't have an affair with someone else, that was just to make you jealous." She blurts, closing her eyes tightly.

"Oh," I say. "Oh!" I stare at her, pulling back slightly. "You weren't really dating? At all?"

She shakes her head. "I hadn't even had my first kiss." She says.

I clench my jaw and stand up, trying to grab some distance from her. She looks wounded. But I don't care.

"Why the hell would you do that?"

"Alex told me to! He said the best way to make someone jealous was to—"

"Did I? Oh my god I did didn't I?"

She blinks several times before nodding. "Yeah..." She says not looking at me.

I sigh. "Was it what you expected?"

She didn't look at me as she says, "when you like someone, everything you do with them is perfect."

"You like me?" She rolls her eyes.

"I just said that."

Before I even know what I'm doing, I feel her hands wrap around me. Our lips touching slightly before I pull away. "This was my first kiss too."



I wanted to keep this as close to the original as possible, since a lot of you lot seemed to like it like that.

(I'm very hard on myself when it comes to writing, and this is not my best. At all.)

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