13 | surprise visit

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Thomas Sangster imagine

I was brushing my teeth when he came from behind me and kissed my cheek. I shook him away and punched him lightly on the arm. He smiled and kissed my cheek once more before leaving.

When he left, I smiled and remembered the day he had proposed to me. It had five years of dating and a few months of break, but overall we're here together. It has only been two months since we've been married.

When I rinsed my mouth, my stomach turned. I kneed by the toilet and started puking. My mouth had that strange taste after it and I started to cry. I hated puking.

Thomas came running in and saw me kneeling there bawling my eyes out. He soothed me and kissed my cheek. Then he picked me and placed me on the couch.

"You're going me to be fine," he said as he kissed my forehead. Something about the way he was acting made me think. He was more happy than usual. He even decided to take a brake from his career, the strange thing though, was that every time I asked for sow thing, he would instantly comply to my wishes. He was spoiling me, and I liked it.

When he returned from the kitchen he was holding a water bottle. I took it, and got up to brush my teeth again.

After I got out, Thomas had his coat on.

"Are you going out?" I asked. He nodded. I bit my lip, it was strange for him to go out without me lately so this was new.

"I'll be back soon," he said as he moved towards me and kissed me on the lips. I smiled and kissed him back.

When he left I sat watching a movie that he was in, one of my favourites, The Maze Runner.
It was late when he returned and I had already falling asleep, but what got me up was the sudden impulse to throw up.

It kept happening for a few weeks and I hated it. That's why I concealed myself behind my room.
One day though, I didn't puke which was incredible. I felt great, that is until I bumped my head on the corner of my bed as I fainted.
Thomas found me there and practically almost freaked out, thankfully my sister was over so she helped us out. Thomas had to leave to work since he started on a project again.

Once he left my sister stared at me intently, I had to cover my stomach since I was also getting fatter.

"Oh my god," she said as a smile played on her lips. "You haven't figured out yet have you?"

"Figure what out," I place a pillow between.

"How long has this been happening? I mean the puking and the fainting."

"Uh, puking since three weeks ago, and fainting just today. Why? Is something wrong?"

Her smile widened.

"I think you should go to a doctor." She said.

"You might be expecting."

"Why am I going to go to the doctor to expect someone?" I let that sink in. "Oh."

She nodded and practically jumped up from excitement.

"Uhm, it's been only three months!"


"Yeah, well..." I count think of me being a mother. I mean that was crazy.

But the next day I did what she told me. I went to the doctor and got myself a pregnancy test.

Two weeks after gay it arrived. I told Thomas to stay for that day, he sensed that down thing was wrong because he immediately started asking a bunch of questions.

"No I'm fine, I just..."this was more difficult than I thought.

I shook my head and showed him the envelope. His eyes widened as he finally understood. I nodded and started to open the paper but he stopped me.

"I don't care if this might ends up being false, I love you and I'll be with you forever. Okay?" I knit my eyebrows, I didn't understand why he was saying such a thing. I opened the envelope and my breathing came faster.

I read it and my eyes reared up. When I looked up, I saw a really confused and exited Thomas. I nodded once and he understood.

He started jumping around from happiness until he settled down win me on the couch. He placed his hand on my belly and kissed me, passionately.

"Oh god, I was suspecting it." He said. My smile fell.

"You knew?" I asked. He nodded. "How?"

"You waned a lot of food hat you didn't eat, for instance broccoli." I went to the refrigerator and there, food bat I've never eaten in my life and which I won't either, we're looking at me.

"Holy," I said. "I think everyone knew before I did."

"That's not true," he said as he kissed me.

"Well it doesn't matter cause now I know."

Five months later I had my baby.

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