09 | hiya tommy

783 19 6

Thomas Brodie Sangster imagine
Y/N: your name
*Tommy's POV*

I jogged down the street with my headphones on. My music blasting so loud I couldn't hear my name being yelled until she placed her hand on my shoulder. She was panting.

"Would you sign my phone case?" She asked. I smiled a warm smile. I nodded and signed her phone case.

After that I made sure of running as fast as I could. That's the thing about being famous. They always find you. Even if your in the most casual clothes ever, they will always find you, though you don't want to be found.

I made a sharp turn to the right and bumped into someone. I apologized immediately. I had already placed my headphones on. No music this time.

"No, no its fine. It's..." She looked up and looked at me. Her cheeks turned bright red and she picked her things up rapidly. Then she smiled and started walking towards her car.

Did she know me? I bet she did. Why then would she just walk away and not ask for an autograph? I don't want to sound like I'm offended, but...

She turned to see if I was still standing there. Once she saw I was she paused and mingled with her keys. Then she got in and drove away. I stood there. Shocked.

I shook my head and ran back home.
Funny how a good bath can bring sleep into your system. I threw myself into my bed. Placed my phone on the bedside table and closes my eyes. A few minutes later, I was awoken by a slight knock.

"Room service!" Came the voice of a female. She sounded familiar. I told her to come in and when the door opened she came in.

Her eyes widened and she placed the food on the table and practically ran out. That's why. She worked for me.

I made a mental note that the next time she came back, I would give her my autograph. Stupid, how I'm upset about that small detail.

Just as I laid back in bed, the door opened. I pretended I was asleep and heard a small sigh.

She started to clean off the plates. I made sure her back was to me before I said, "Hi."

The plates went flying over the floor and she gave a little scream. I ran towards her and helped her out. Her hand was bleeding, one of the plates had broken.

"No, no, I'm fine. It's fine!" She protested just like when we met.

I insisted on helping her. She finally nodded.
A few weeks later I heard she was fired. I never really considered it until one day I saw her walking down my street after I had visited my mom.

She gave me a small smile. I ran to her.

"Hey," I said. "Sorry about your job."

"Oh, don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault." She said never stopping.

"Is there something I can help with?"

"Tommy, I mean, Thomas-"

"Holy crap!" I say. Her eyes widened. "You're my grade three girlfriend!"

For a moment she seemed shocked, then a smile spread through her face. "Hiya Tommy!"

After that we spent the afternoon talking and catching up.

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