24 | is it just me?

427 8 2

Newt imagine

Isn't it horrible when you fall deep for someone, yet that someone doesn't know you exist?

Well, that's my case. I've loved this person for too long. Far too long for him to understand.

And obviously he doesn't. He just sits there with his adorable grin and sandy wavy beautiful hair, those eyes that just make me melt every time he looks at me. Gosh, how I wish he looked at me.

"What?" He asks in that beautiful accent of his. I shake my head as he waves his hands in front of me, a grin spreading though his lips. "Cmon just tell, who is it?"

"No one," I say instantly as I straighten and gather my things.

Newt looks behind him, his eyes growing wide. When he looks back a wide grin is on his lips. Idiot.

"Brett?" He asks as he leans forward. "I can talk to him you know?"

I roll my eyes. He'll never know.

"I'm just kidding," he says as he links his hand with mine. "I wouldn't want my girl to be with someone else."

For a moment he stays there staring at me, his eyes slowly going down toward my lips. His eyebrows pulling together, as if he just noticed them for the first time. As if he's thinking about doing something. Is it just me or...?

I shake my head, and then it was all gone.

"I'll see you later," I say as I untangle my hands from him and start walking away from him in a fast pace.

It's been happening a few times. The illusions of him looking at me in a certain way, of him switching his voice in a way that just kills me.

"Woah!" All my books drop to the floor. Since I want looking up I accidentally bumped into someone. As I lift my eyes to look who it was, I curse internally.

"Brett," I say. He smiles one of his a thousands watts smile and bends to pick my books up. I don't do the same, instead I step away and let him do it himself.

"Thanks," I say as he gives me back my books.

"Why the hurry riding hood? The big bad wolf isn't going to get you if you run that fast," his eyes look past me and narrow, but then he looks down at me again and smiles. "I hope you don't bump into someone else."

With that he walks away, scratching his head. I guess my red hoodie made him say that cheesy line. But really the way he said was kinda cute.

"So you do like him," someone says behind me. I twirl around to see Newt leaning against the locker. His hands in his pockets and his eyes guarded.

"I don't," I say as I start walking again. But he catches up to me, trying to link his hand to my free one, but I pretend I don't notice his sad eyes when I grab my books with both of my hands.

"Yes you do," he says as he clenches his jaw.

I stop walking and stare at him. "So? What if I do? It's not like you would care anyway."

Newt looks around, but no one is out, we're in the outside halls where no one really walks during lunch.

"I do care," he mumbles as he lowers his head. "I care about you more than you think."

I shake my head. The tears were threatening them to appear and spill it's secrets.

"No you don't Newt," I say as I take a step back. "If you cared about me you would have already noticed my crying. My constant staring, and occasionally my outbursts toward you. I you cared enough you would know that the only person I've ever loved is you. But you're as blind as a bat. You only look at me when you feel like some other dude is about it take me. And you know what? I'm not one of your girls. I don't want to be one of them anymore. I should've said yes to him, because he does seem to care about me more than you do."

Not daring to look at him, I walk right past him. And although I know he won't do it, I expect him to follow me.

But he doesn't.

Second part?

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