07 | as blind as

902 12 2

Newt's POV

"Do you think she'll be happy?" she asked me with tears in her eyes. At that moment all I wanted was to kiss her pain away.

"She will." I say. I place my hand on her shoulders and pull her to me. She smelled of strawberries and chocolate.

"Teresa!" a guy yells from behind me. She looks up and pulls away from me. She runs to him and hugs him. He glares at me. "Newt."

"Derek." Derek is a few years older than us. Precisely three. Teresa doesn't believe me, but I know he's trying to get with her. Everything I tell her, she dismisses it.

"What are you doing here?" he asks me. See, that's what I hate about him. He doesn't even ask how she is. Cause you know, her mom is totally not buried in the ground.

"Teresa can I talk you?" I ask. She nods and leads me to her room. I think it's time for me to confess to her what I feel. I hate it how it's at this moment but...

"Teresa will you be my girlfriend?" asks Derek. Teresa looks at him. At first she seems outraged, but then she looks at me and back at him. I look at her and let her go to him.

I walk out towards my car.


A few days later I bump into her. She is wearing a black dress. She's still mourning. Well, I did the same when both my parents died.

"Newt." she says. I turn to the other direction. "Newt!"

I start to walk faster as I hear her after me.

"Newt! look at me!" she says as she places her hand on my arm.

"Oh, Teresa. Sorry. I didn't see you." It was a lame excuse but I needed to do something.

"Are you serious?" she asks. "You haven't answered my texts, my calls and now you say you didn't see me."

She starts to shake her head. I look at her. She slaps me and starts to walk back to her car across the street.

"Teresa wait!" I yell after her. As I catch up to her. I see tears in her eyes, which bring me back to the last time I saw her a few days ago.

"No, I'm tired of waiting." she says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Newt, you're as blind as Tom!" she yells. "I've had a crush on you forever, I thought maybe you did like me too. But after you left that day I come to realize you don't."

I smile."You like me?"

"Of course I do!"

"But, what about Derek?"

"What about him?"

"Oh, oh!"

"yeah!" she says as she opened her car. I'm just standing there, like an idiot. Teresa looks at me then and shakes her head. She gets into her car and almost closes the door. Almost because I stopped it.

"Teresa would you go out with me?" I ask. Teresa's eyes widen and she starts to smile.

"I thought you would never ask."

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