08 | lady macbeth

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Newt imagine
Y/N: your name

The book rested on her lap, wide open. Her hair covered her face from the outside world. From the view of boys.

She was beautiful, yes. Even more beautiful than the rest of the girls. They wore makeup to hide their pimples, not knowing that, what they believe shields them from embarrassment is actually the cause of it.

The blond male came running then with a book in his hand. Not any kind of book. A sketch book.

He sat across the field from the girl, attracting attention. He doesn't mean it of course, it just happens. He nods to some of them, but shakes them off afterwards.

He opens his book and takes a pencil out. He smiles. He loves drawing, of course his parents don't know that. They believe it's a waste of time and it doesn't bring a future. Little do they know that what he draws are much better than anything they have ever done. He might actually meet Lionardo Da Vinci.

The girl glances up then and saw him. She shook her head. She didn't understand why he spent all his days there. Watching her. What did she have that they didn't? That was the question every other girl asked themselves. Well, she was the smartest girl in her class. She was even promotes to the graduating year, of course she said no. There's still lots to learn.

She is talented. Her piano skills are Mozart style. In fact she played one of his famous piece in a concert last winter. Finally, she is not perky and full of herself. Perhaps that's the reason he fell for her.

He was tired of it. He got up and walked towards her. Every person stopped doing what they were doing. Even she closed her book and looked up at the handsome male walking towards her.

Every person held their breath.

"Scholars have argued that lady Macbeth was evil." He paused. "I, in the other hand, believe that she wasn't. Everything she did was intended for the benefit of her husband. Of course, we can still argue whether she might have taken a step too deep into the better of her well being. She was not evil. Like I said, she thought she was helping her husband. Just like any wife would do so."

She stared at him. Her eyes widened and she got up then. Everyone's eyes still on them.

"Newt. At your service." He said as he extended his hand for her to shake. She eyed it with curiosity, as if it was the first time she has seen one.

"Well, Mr. Newt," everyone exhaled. "I am glad someone agrees with me."

It was the last year of university. The year in which Newt Tate and Y/N met. They spoke all day long on the topic of Lady Macbeth. Funny how one little thing can change the whole future. That day, Y/N knew she had found the one.

In the later years, they got married. They had two beautiful children. A boy and a girl. They named them after two of their friends. Thomas, who had died in action, and Teresa, who had died in a rescue mission.

Overall, they both lived happy. They always remember how they met. He told the story one last time, before closing his eyes, and meeting her in that same park.

Walking up to her, extending his arm and saying, "Well, hello to you again."

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