15 | return of the runners

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Newt imagine
*third person pov*

It was the third day of Newt's death.

He was laying soundlessly asleep on true hard, cold metal plate. Doctors on top of him trying to take the bullet out.

Of course it would be a matter of time before they can confirm their suspicions.

After Thomas had fired, they knew what to do. The officers and even some of the cranks were working for WICKED. One specifically named Clare.

Her assignment had been to register information about the killzone outside of WICKED headquarters. Her mission was to bring reports of how the crazy people acted. But one day while she was roaming around she saw him.

He had blond hair, cranks swarm around him with that intensity of killing.

The moment she saw the sandy blond hair she knew what to do. She ran towards him and took him a way, causing the cranks to throw their anger at her, ripping some of her hair from her scalp and scratching her. Thank goodness she was immune.

The boy was still breathing, though it wouldn't last longer.

When WICKED arrived, they took both of them to the infirmary and tried to cure them. They said that it will take some time for her hair to grow back but it otherwise she was fine. While Newt of course had suffered more injuries.

It wasn't until the third day that they called the girl to see the boy. There beside him though was a girl in a wheelchair, her dark hair around her. It had been rumoured that she had sacrificed herself for someone, ending in a wheelchair unable to speak. Or maybe that was just her.

As the girl approached the bed the dark haired one turned around and glared at her, then she softened.

"I thought you were someone else," the girl said barely audible. She shook her head and looked back at be boy.

"Who?" The girl asked not caring about manners. Curiosity killed the act.

"A girl." The dark haired one said. The girl rolled her eyes and moved to sit by the boy. "Can't believe he's alive."

A silence followed. Then his eyes opened, the first person he saw was the girl who had saved him. Then he turned to see the girl in the wheelchair and gasped. "Teresa?"

"Hey Newt," she said giving a small smile.

"How?" He says as he tries to calm down his heartbeat.

"I would ask the same thing," then letting the words sink in, he pressed a hand in his scalp which was bandaged up.

"How?" He asked himself. Then he turned and looked at me.

"The bullet was just a mother test," she answered. "It was meant as the last for Thomas. And it was a success." Teresa snorted.

"They made you think you were actually going nuts so Tom could shoot you." She shook her head. "WICKED always wins."

The silence crept on for a while befor whe cleared his throat.

"So I was actually immune?" The girls nodded. "How..."

"Nice! You're awake!" Mr. Janson says as he approaches them. He had lost weight during the last few days. There were dark circles under his eyes and he always carried a mischievous smile.

"You," Newt said with as much hatred he could muster.

"Me," Rat man said smiling. "Anyway, Page wants to talk to you three, so get up and go."
The girl helped Newt get up. He hadn't noticed the way her hair fell short, like Brenda's. The intensity in her eyes, when he turned to see Teresa he noticed she was quiet again. She was also in a wheelchair. He didn't understand.
When they arrived at Ava Paige's office, Rat man turned to them.

"I hope you don't mind if I'm curious after the meeting? I'll be checking on you." With that he bolted and left them standing in front of the door.
It opened and there was a woman standing, she looked around her franc rivalry and motioned for them to come in. Then closed the door behind her with the lock.

"We don't have much time," she instructed. "We must get you to paradise."

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