16 | away we go

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Newt imagine
Y/N: your name
*third person pov*
Any content in this story are fake. I made them up, but some names were borrowed from a very famous ship.

Away We Go was, pardon is, one of the most seen to shows in the generation.

Every girl is stuck in her room, fangirling over the fact that Louis started dating Harriet. Or over he fact that Jacob is actually gay, so therefore not available.

Whilst the boys are fanboying over the new character Milan, who they fell in love with since the beginning.

Every person in the [place where you live] knows about this show...well except for one.

His name is Newt. He has sandy blond hair, an accent that can melt the glaciers, eyes that you just wish to drown in, and a brain that when cranky, can hurt looks of people.

Who knows why, but it seems he's immune to 'Away We Go'. He is constantly either writing or reading a book. Every person at his school tries to stay away since he doesn't fit in.

But on Friday, February 5th, this one girl had no choice but to sit next to him. Of course as soon as she did, people started whispering. What? It wasn't her fault class was filled! It wasn't her fault that the only seat left open was beside the Weirdo of the town.

Her cheeks flushed as he looked up and glared at her, as if she was the weirdo. Please!

"Alright class," the teacher said as she moved towards the front of the class and wrote on the board. "You have an assignment due next week," everyone groaned (except Newt of course), "whoever you are sitting with is your partner. So the assignment is..."

Y/N couldn't believe it! The assignment was due on Monday. Which means they only had two days to work on it. The worst part is, that tomorrow and Sunday there was a marathon of Away We Go! And she was going to miss it! All thanks to him.

Newt couldn't believe it. He was paired with her. Out of all the people, he had to be paired with the head of the Away We Go fanclub! How disastrous! Now he will have to do all the work!

They look at each other and groaned. This was not a good day.

The next day she texted him saying they couldn't work on it, to wait for tomorrow, there was an emergency. Yeah cause watching a stupid show all day is an emergency, Newt thought as he shut the phone and started working on the project again.

A few hours later she texted him again, saying she couldn't make it tomorrow either, family stuff. Newt only shook his head.

On Monday they all arrived to class. Everyone seemed to be tired, but Newt. Each person went up and did only one minute of their project. And when the time was getting close to Newt and Y/N, she turned to him.

"I'm sorry, I know we have not—" Newt got up and showed them their designs. No his design.

"Bravo, both—"

"Only me miss," Newt said with a smile, making Y/N blush with anger. The teacher looked at be girl and her face fell. The rest of the day people spoke of her trying to get marks for a project she didn't do.

"You!" She said as she rounded the corner to Newt's locker that very afternoon after he came from band rehearsal.

"Me?" He asked.


"Me" he sighs.

"How dare you?"

"No how dare you? We were supposed to work on that project together. As in T-o-g-e-t-h-e-r!"

"I know how to spell together!" She yells.

"Clearly you don't know what it means!" He yelled back. "Is not my fault your obsession—"

She slapped him across the face. He glared at her but then shook his head. He searched in his bag for something. Then handing her a paper he said, "you still got a mark though. Congrats."

He started to walk, but the girl grabbed his hand and pulled him to her. She didn't know why, but she felt the need to kiss him. He didn't pull back though. They just embraced each other. When they finally pulled back he laughed.

"What was that for?"

"This I guess?" She says. Then biting her lip she took a step back. It has been five years since she broke up with him. It seems like that feeling has not left yet. She should tell him be truth..."Newt?"


"I still like you, a lot. The reason I joined that stupid club is because I knew it was during your rehearsal time," she blushed as he only smiled.

"I know, that's the main reason I stay." At that they both laugh.

She loved Away We Go, but it was nothing compared to the memories she got with him. They all have a special place in her heart, all the characters, but Newt was there before the show. That has never changed.

"What are they going to say?" He asks.

"Screw them, you were there before they were." Newt smiles and grabs her hand.

"Never thought this would happen again." He said a with a smile.

"I did," she says as she hugs him. "Away we go," she laughs a little. "Come on."

They walked out on the parking lot hand in hand.

The end.

I don't know what's wrong with me...this is all getting too cheesy...uh, hate having crushes! They make you feel...light.

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