19 | legacy

493 11 5

Thomas Imagine
Third person

You have always been a shy little girl. You have hidden your face from your crushes because you either have pimples or you just believe you are the most hideous person alive. You have always hidden your talent at acting because you don't want people to notice you. You have always and I mean, always, tried to be invisible.

But of course that doesn't work perfectly well when it comes to your crushes. You always make a fool of yourself, worst of all is that you are either looking 'horrendous' or there's just something wrong with you.

Today is one of your biggest days though, so you put on some fancy cloth (not too fancy you're not that rich),and some make up (not too much or else you'll look like a clown right outta clown school), you put your hair up, no down, no up again, nope hair down it is!

Then you take a second look in the mirror and realize you look ugly. So you go change again into more comfortable clothes, I mean you're only meeting one of your biggest crushes, who cares right? Oh, okay, you're changing again. Dude just make up your dam mind! You literally only have five hours! If you want to see him, freaking change already, get your bag, good! And your book, good! Bookmark? Pen? Camera? Phone? Other phone? iPod just in case? Laptop? Ponytails? Extra clothes just in case? Okay good girl! You're ready now!

Phew, that took a while! So now you're sitting in your car, driving to where James Dashner and the cast of the Death Cure is attending the premiere. You can't believe you are watching it with the actors right behind you! Lucky, eh?

The excitement is killing you. I mean, you won't only meet freaking Dylan O'Brien, but also freaking-cutie-pie-of-all-times-that-will-never-be-anything-but-a-cinnamon-roll Thomas Sangster. Ah! The excitement is strong to me too!

"Mom?" You say as you look out the window. "Are we there yet?"

You're mom laughs for it has only been five minutes since you left you're house. She shakes her head but doesn't answer you.

What if you're late? Can you imagine that? Oh crap! What if you have food in your teeth? Did you not floss? Damn it! Seriously? Today is the most imprint any day of your freaking life and you did not floss! But please tell me you...you didn't shower did you? Oh thank goodness! You did!

Oh look were here! Get off you idiot, someone's going to take your place!

So you dash out, like a crazy maniac, oh wait.

Other girls have already gathered there. So you stand at the farthest end, where the actors will arrive and practically you'll be the last person to see them. Your mother sets up your causes so you can sit, and yeah now all you do is wait.

But why wait when you can talk right? Gross. So you sit on your chair and read, read the book that may destroy your life in just a matter of hours. Great you're not bloody ready to get shot in the heart with the feels. You start to sweat, dude is not even 250 degrees out! You're exaggerating! Besides it's not like anyone's actually going to die. Oh look, a girl just walked in, what actually limped right beside you. Cool she must've fallen somewhere.

So you help her. She seems beaten, she's practically shaking. When you see her in the eyes you can't help but feel scared, I mean her eyes were dark, like she seemed really cranky about the fall. You better leave her to deal with hers-

"Please," she breathes. "Help me...please."

You're head is about to explode like if something just hit you. Your chest feels tight and you are loosing your breath. The girls eyes clear and she sighs.

"If you're a good person, help me," she looks directly at you. "Please."

Then she collapses. You turn around and you walk to your seat. By now the whole place had stopped to watch. A second later you hear everyone start laughing, actually more like crying. You included.

Afterward you help the girl, she survived the scorching weather! Woot!

You become friends yadayada. The exciting part is when you meet him.

Anankdwkwn he's so gorgeous! Akskskjwndnd! Sorry my excitement is beyond...oh right, it's your story.

*cough* so you take pictures, they sign your phone, book, you know the drill. But here's the thing, when He comes around, he actually hugs you! Bastard! I was right there!

You even kiss him in the cheek! Pictures, bunch of pictures!

Hours later.

I'm not okay. I'm not okay. I'm not okay. I'm not okay.

Rocking back and forth, back and forth.

"That won't do you any good," your mother says. You look around you, the other girls are hugging each other, and although they don't each other, we feel the same pain.

Can't believe is done! What is life?

You run out of the theatre and try to breathe. You are standing right behind a dumpster when you hear laughter. Gosh you look hideous!

"That was good," a British accent said. "They all started crying even before it came."

Oh, no. No. No. No. Sob.

See? Told you. Always have to do something.

"Hello?" he says as he walks over. He gasps when he sees you and looks behind him. The rest do the cast has gone back inside. "Are you okay?"

You nod. Who are you kidding?

"I hope you enjoyed the movie," he says smiling.

"You died," you blurt. He smiles. "It's done."

"Not really," he says. "I mean you will always be there for the actors, us, and besides. This legacy will never end if here are people who still live it or pass it down. The actors will always be thankful for this amazing experience."

You laugh a little. "You said aMAZEing."

He laughs.

Now you are sitting in the premiere of the Maze Runner, the remake, with to children in hand. She is so excited.

I'm right beside you. Yup, with my boyfriend, rather, husband, Dylan O'Brien (it's true) and were here watching what our legacy will become.

You didn't marry him though, but at least you got a seat with them! Haha sucker! I married Dylan!

Thomas Imagines | ✓Where stories live. Discover now