18.5 | the heart wants what it wants

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Thomas Sangster Imagine: continuation of 'I know what you did last summer'

My first day of school. I can still remember walking inside the doors of high school, alongside her. Alongside my best friend, my baby, my darling.

Now I'm walking hand in hand with another person. But the heart wants what it wants.

It's been a long summer, a long painful summer. She just disappeared from sight, I didn't see her anymore. Every second was like a stab at my heart. And I know I should have been happy, I mean, I've got Sonya by my side. This beautiful thing...but the heart wants what it wants.

"Hey, Tommy?" She asks. I can't help but flinch, but she doesn't notice it, she's back on her phone smiling. She used to call me that...

I take a step forward and walk inside this school, this new place, where I will have a new life. Where I will begin a new adventure with...

Her. She turns around and gasps. I let go of Sonya's hand and take a step forward. She's here! She's really here!

She smiles at me and looks behind me, her eyes have lost that innocent glow in them. She seems to have grown more beatific than ever. I can't help but wish I was there, beside her, wrapping her in a bear hug. But I can't. As much as my heart wants to be with her, I'm with someone else.

Sonya places her hand on my shoulder and raises an eyebrow.

"Are we going up or not?" She asks.

"Sure," she sighs and walks I front of me, pulling me by the hand. I look back at her and realise that she's with someone else. Anger rises through my veins. She moved on, I should've known.

We arrive at Sonya's staying spot and drop her things off. Which took over five trips downstairs, meanwhile she stayed in her room talking to a friend or something.

All the while I searched, for any chance to see her or get her to talk to me. There was a burning sensation in my stomach and my chest ached, as if warning me she was close.

"Cheese," someone says as they drop a box to the floor and a bunch f pictures fly out of it. I kneel down at the same time that she does, and I can't help but smile because what happened next was like in the movies. Our hands touched, and slowly I looked up. Just to be greeted by the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen in my life. The eyes that the last time I saw were full of tears, the eyes that have lost their love for me.

"Y/N," I whisper, as she stays staring at me. Tears filling her eyes. I look behind me and pick the pictures up fast, I pick the box up and open the closest door to us. I pull her inside and lock it. She stares at me with wide eyes. I pull her to me and hug her. At first she tenses but slowly gives into the hug. Her hair smelled of coconut and vanilla, her perfume entered my nostrils and I found myself moving her face up to me. Her eyes closed, tears pouring from them, but she looked beautiful either way. Gosh how much I missed her. How much I wanted to kiss her! Shit.

Our lips meet, were thrown back to the day of our first date, the first time I kisses her. This time though, we were crying.

"Tommy..." She whispers as she pulls away. "I have to explain to you what happened..."

I smile at her. "I know what happened last summer Y/N."

After she left and I got home, I headed straight to my room, where I was greeted by a very flushed boy. He explained what happened.

"It wasn't her fault," he started. "I tried to get her to kiss me, but she didn't do it. You know why? Because of you. She loves you and although I'm hotter than you she still stayed faithful to you. We didn't do anything."

"Why should I believe you?"

"Because...you know I wouldn't lie about this, and someone took a video." He took his phone out and showed me the video.

"I'm so freacking sorry!" She says. "I wanted to explain everything to you. But...after I found out about you and...I just couldn't. You guys seemed happy."

I laugh a little. "That's called acting."

"Thomas, what are we doing?"


"No, we're cheating on them."


"I'm sorry Tommy. We...we can't do this to them."

And once more she walks out from my life.


It wasn't until one day I decided to call it off. She was driving me nuts with her crap about clothes.

Seriously, every week we went to the mall and bought clothes, and worst of all, she was using my money!

So I was walking to my dorm when I bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry," I say without looking at the persona and keep walking. I hear a small laugh that I would recognise anywhere, and turn around. There standing before me, was the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. I felt a smile spreading though my lips and saw it reflected on her face.

"Heya Tommy," she says in bat beautiful melody of her voice.

"Hey," I say as I move closer to her. "What are you doing here?"

She giggles and blushes. "I, uh, I was looking for someone."

I knit my eyebrows. "Who?"

She gives me a small smile and gives me a look. "You of course."

My smile brightens. "Why? Stuck on homework?"

She punches me slightly. "No, I just wanted to talk to you."

"Why?" Something within me had changed I realised. It wasn't the same feeling I felt before, somethings this was deeper, more mature and more meaningful.

"I wanted to—" she giggles as my lips reach her and she kisses me back. "Yeah, this could work too."

"Shut up and let me kiss you." She pushes back.

"Tommy, what about—"

"Called her off."

"Yeah but—"

"Y/N can't you see I don't care about bat anymore? It's been seven months. Seven. I forgive you blah blah blah."

"Why should I believe you? What if this is just a way to get back at me?"

"Y/N, we've known each other for quite sometime right?" She nods. "And all this time I said sow thing to you. Something that at first started with a crush. Well guess what? It wasn't until that day months ago that I knew I meant all that stuff. Why do you think I stocked with Sonya? Because each day that I went to her room, you'll be near. I would get to see you. Or talk to you. And I realised that I needed you more than anything. I realised that what I actually felt for you is deeper than anything I've ever felt." I take her hand in mine, and clear a tear away. "I love you. I love you like I've never loved anyone. I can't stay any longer without you. So what you say? Would you be willing to try it once more with me?"

Sometimes what you want isn't what you really need. But in my situation, what I wanted was what I needed the most. I guess my heart got what it wanted.

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