27 | awake

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He stood in the background with his hand crossed over his chest, a look of pure boredom adorning his sculpted face while his shirt clanged to his skin due to the hotness of the room.

Music roared and he wondered why he had come in the first place. Why, today of most days, he decided to leave the cocoon of his books and enter normal social life. He wasn't like the rest of them, his friends of whom he had known for the longest time. He was so different from them. While one shouted at the top of their lungs in only his underwear that he loved the ever-cold black haired girl; another was pushed against the wall by a frizzy-haired girl as they touched one another despite being in public; another laughed hysterically as he jumped up and down with a much taller boy whose eyebrows set him aside. He was quiet, and much more composed.

"Come on mate! Dance!" Someone shouted at him from behind, making him jump slightly.

"Nah, I'm fine!" He turned to face the person and found himself face-to-face with Eyebrows. "You go ahead!"

"You're so boring!" Someone with short hair called to him, her eyes wide, her hands clasped around a bottle. "Come on! Let's dance!"

Newt shook his head. "DD, remember?"

The girl groaned loudly and disappeared in the midst of people. Newt couldn't deny it though, he really did want to dance.

And then he was being pulled by someone, and he didn't protest them. He felt himself moving slowly against them, the dim lighting of the room making him dizzy as sweat and other smells reached his nostrils.

He didn't know what he was doing when his hands came to rest on someone's waist. Her back was to him and he pulled her closer. She didn't protest.

The music dulled his senses as he moved with her, and then, all of a sudden, she was facing him. Shit, she was beautiful. So fucking beautiful that he felt himself lean towards her, felt something love below his waist.

She bit her lips and moved closer to him, her body pressing against his own, and he smiled. Her hands flew to his neck, and as of instinct, he leaned his forehead until it touched hers.

They danced like that for some time, until she finally brought her lips to his ears. Whispering words that drove him over the edge. And then she was pulling him away from the crowd, down stairs. And he fought the urge to pin her against the wall. Fought the urge to touch her.

Then the lights when out and he stood in an empty room. His eyes wondered, until they landed on her, and he wasn't waiting anymore.

He loved towards her and she to him. Their lips touched and they hips collided. Her lips were too much for him. And he nipped, and he licked, and she opened. He heard a low growl escape the recess of his heist just as she moaned loudly when he pushed against her. Her back slamming against a table get hadn't noticed before.

"Fuck," she said and he couldn't help but chuckle. She swatted his shoulder just as he pushed her to a sitting position. Her legs wrapped around his waist and he moved closer, his lips travelling the expense of skin. Down her neck, making her whimper, a moan escape her lips. Down to her collarbone, making her chest cave with the touch, her hands glue to his hair, pulling him closer.

His hand wondered, and they wanted to play. So slowly, he lifted the skirt that hugged her thighs, and she moaned from the touch. And he smirked against her lips as he licked her bottom lip, and she allowed him in. They touched and they tasted, and then came her loud gasp as his fingers found a spot between her thighs. And he played and she gasped and they kissed.

"Please," she murmured to his ear and it was the only words she needed to say before her skirt lifted and his pants fell. "Please."

And fuck, he didn't know who she was but at that moment she was making him insane, and he wanted her, and she wanted him.

Her loud gasp was captured by his lips as he nipped and pushed against her. And her fingers curled on his hair, pushing him closer to her as his hands rested on her hips.

They were one in that moment and then the door burst open and they both wanted to murder whoever had decided to interrupt.

"Shit sorry," came her watery voice. "Room occupied!" And she slammed the door shut.

When they turned to one another again, they were wide awake. And they realized it at that moment. And they nodded, not caring, as hey kissed and pushed and moaned and touched and fucked.

They couldn't stop grinning on the way home as they texted one another. And they couldn't get the taste of the other out of their mouths. The feel.

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