02.5 | lifetime : a different view

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"Hey, here you are! Mom wants you inside!" I say as I find her sitting outside, she gives me a small nod and I leave. But then I hear his voice. I hadn't even realized he was there, damn I really need my glasses.

"You sisters?" He asks as he gets up and pulls Y/N along with him. She doesn't even protest.

"No, we're friends but she's always here so she calls my mom, mom too." I smile, for that's true. We've been friends since kindergarten, there's nothing that could separate us.

"Ah, then I guess I should start too." What? Did he just? I see him from behind a bush smiling at her. I don't need my glasses that much to see the sparkle in his eyes. I look over at Y/N, she seems as shocked as I am right now.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"Well since one day I'm going to marry her daughter might as well start now right?" A smile spreads through my lips. Before this we were talking, he seemed to be content with me by his side, maybe...

"Wait what?!" She asks as she stops and faces him. "We barely know each other!"

I suppress a snort. Of course. Of course she believes it's her the one he's talking about. Of course.

"Sweetheart, that's why we've got a lifetime to get to know each other!" He starts to walk pass her, but stops to kiss her on the cheek, making her blush like hell. She smiles widely and grabs his hand, they both start to walk back inside. Not even hearing the sobs that are coming behind the bushes.

I can't believe she simply just gave into him. She should've known! I mean, it was I the one who saw him first. It was I the one that thought he was cute. It was I the one who talked to him. It was I the one who in one single conversation knew he was the one.

He likes science, so do I, she doesn't. He dislikes sports, so do I, she doesn't. She's as lazy as a...homeless person. I can't believe he wants to spend a lifetime with her.

I thought I was angry before, but this anger is nothing compared to the others.

I walk back inside and see them talking in a corner. Not even when I grab my coat beside the door did she turn. I mean, I have no right to be upset. I only met him today, but I thought for once that I could have a happy ending. A happy memory. A happy moment for once.

Since I was born I've been rejected. Practically I was sent to the system, but then I got adopted at the age of four. My parents just wanted someone to represent to the people in their society. Just a puppet in their games.

That's why I've hung out at their house. Her mom would show affection to me when no one else did. She treated me like a part of the family.

Now the only thoughts running through my brain were that of which all those years were fake. All those years she hung out because I was the duff. I'm fat, I weigh 120 pounds. Practically a hippo. I'm stupid. I'm an embarrassment to everyone.

Tears well down my eyes. I guess I won't be returning here ever again. I might as well accept my family's offer. I might as well attend an all girls academy. I might as well just disappear.

Lmao I forgot how much I hated Alice. It's pathetic really the way she reacts.

But here's the question Alice proposes to you:

Will you leave your boyfriend (Newt) or will you forget a history with your best friend, who happened to be here since kindergarten?

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