17 | a date

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Newt imagine
*tommy's pov*

She always came by to our restaurant. To study, to hang out with friends, to simply read.
Today is no different. She's sitting alone with a bunch of books on her desk in the corner of the restaurant.
"Mom who's on duty today?" I ask.
"Uh, Jason left so take charge. Hey I have to run to the story, mind taking care of the restaurant?" She says taking her apron off and smiling. I nod.
"Okay mom, just tell Clara to come and help me." Clara is my younger sister. She's only twelve but she can bake the best food ever, other than my mom of course.
I look back at the girl and notice that her hand is up. Crap.
I gulp down my fear and walk towards her with a notepad.
"How can I help you?" I ask in my restaurant voice.
"Oh, no." She says as she flashes me a smile. God she's gorgeous. "Actually I was wondering. Aren't you in my history class?" I nod. "Great. Can you help me?"
My eyes widen. "Uh, I have to—"
"I knew it," she sighs. "It was a long shot."
"No, I'll help you." She smiles. I place my notepad on the table and look at her. "This is actually..."
I don't how many minutes passed. But instead of working, we ended up talking about our families and ourselves. She's into reading, clearly. While I'm into science.
"Are you going to help me or not?" A guys says as he walks up to us.
"Yes, of course." I get the notepad out of my pocket.
"Forget it, though solace stinks." The boy says. "Specially the food. Who cooks that bad? And it stinks!"
Anger started to boil inside me.
"Watch it Gread." The girl says.
"Oh, hey y/n!" The boys says as he sees the girl for the first time. Hearing her name sends an electricity current through my body.
"Shut it and leave him alone."
"You're defending him?"
"Why not?"
They both smile at each other. Then she gets up and kisses him. Oh.
My mom appears then. She orders me to come to her and I do. Making a the boy snicker. I whisper something unintelligibly.
I walk over to my mom and make some of the drinks. I keep on looking at the girl, she's smiling with that jerk. Then sow thing happens. Her face goes hard and she whispers something to him. He storms off.
Minutes later I find myself walking towards her. And when I come near her...her shoulders are shaking.
"Are you alright?" I ask. She looks up and grunts.
"Perfect," she says.
"You don't look perfect," I say. "Well you always look perfect, but right now just a tone less."
She looks up again.
"Want to talk?" I ask. She shakes her head. "Or not."
"Just sit here okay?" I nod. Then after a while she straightens herself. Picks her books up and turns to me. "Do you have a girlfriend?"
"Uh, no. The girl I like doesn't know I exist."
"Well, that girl is wondering whether you would like to come over to study today?" She says.
"Exams start tomorrow. I was wondering if you'll like to study with me."
"Yeah. Sure. Yeah!"
"Okay then, it's a date." She gets up, kisses me on the cheek and walks off.
As I walk towards my mom, the conversation reverberates in my head.
I have a date withy the girl I like!

Thomas Imagines | ✓Where stories live. Discover now