25 | you know what i hate?

468 14 3

Thomas Imagine
*some info: Thomas is actually sixteen in this one. Not like the rest where you get to choose your age, sorry buddy. Sixteen. Also e has braces and wears glasses. What a dork.

"You know what I hate?" I ask as I press my thumb into a smarties' box.

"What?" He asks as he looks up from his homework.

"The boxes that tell you 'Make Them Last!' And they only hold like three smarties." He laughs and looks back down.

"I hate those too," he says as he continues writing.

I snuggle myself with his blanket and smell the shirt I'm wearing. He always lets me take his clothes, there's that thing about wearing oversized things. And although he's a twig (a hot twig) he wears this baggy clothes. I've seen his chest invisibly and there's abs there too, but I just don't understand why he decides to look like a dork more than he already is.

"You know what I also hate?" I ask as I look down at my book.

"What?" He asks as he looks up again.

"Math," I respond. He shakes his head and turns back to his homework.

"I know you do," he mumbles.

"Like seriously, whoever thought learning math was interesting and worthwhile thought wrong (FYI I love math-author)" I shut my book and throw it on the ground. I look out the window and see the pouring rain.

"You know what I also hate?"

He looks up again and smiles, "what?"

I sigh and shake my head. "The smell after rain. I know a lot of people love it. But all I can think about is how disgusting I smell. Like dead June bugs."

He laughs and shakes his head, this time putting his pencil down and giving me his full attention. "I know you do."

I sigh again and head to his bed. I scratch my head and look at the ceiling. I can hear him getting up, but I have to finish my rant.

"You know what I also hate?" I ask again. Closing my eyes as the left side of the bed moves lower and lower.

"What?" I hear him say.

"The fact that I never get to finish my rants." I protest.

He laughs again and hooks his arm on my waist. "I know you do."

He pulls me up until I'm sitting on his lap. I remove his glasses and put them on.

"You know what I love though?" I ask. The funny sensation of admiring it to him coming crashing for the first time.

"What?" He asks as he gazes into my eyes.

"You," I say. For a moment I expect him to laugh, or say his line. But instead he puts a hair away from my face and strokes my cheek.

"I love you too," he says.

I smile as he leans forward until our lips meet. It's great to hate so many things, but to have a thing that you love and that he loves you back, is better.

"You know what I hate?" He asks as he pulls back. I knit my eyebrows.

"What?" I ask. A smile spreads through his lips as he leans forward to give me a peck.

"That you couldn't hurry up any time sooner."

Hey guys! Okay some of you may know about my idea of The Eversleet series: It's posted! Go check it out in NinsChronicals if you like! It'll mean a lot.

Update: thank you for getting this to 5k reads! I started this not expecting this many reads! Thank you!

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