10 | celebrity crush

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Thomas Sangster imagine

We all have a celebrity crush, and since I can remember mine had been Thomas Sangster.

The day I met him was the day my life changed forever.

He was wearing a long black coat and his hair was wet from the rain. It was my second week in London. That year I had decided to go with my best friend Brayden as a vacation.

Anyway, I was standing outside under the protection of the restaurant waiting for Brayden to come out. Thomas was walking at a fast pace towards the restaurant. When he finally made it he brushed his hair and took a seat beside me.

At first I thought I was imaging him until he looked up and nodded. He went inside at the same time that Brayden came out.

Since that day i sat there waiting for him to come. I even ditched Brayden for him. The last day of summer vacation, I sat there waiting for him. I was giving up. I had gotten up too fast, and you know how you get lightheaded if you get up quickly? Well, yeah, I did. I was about to fall when I heard someone whisper in my ear, "Woah, there, be careful!" his accent sent electrical shocks through my body.

When I saw him he flashed a bright smile my way making me melt internally. After that we talked for a while about the upcoming movie The Death Cure. He told me how much fun the whole experience had been and a few bits of the movie. We discussed about Star Wars, which made him delighted.

By the end of the day he drove me home and said that it had been a pleasure to meet me, and if I weren't as young as I was (since I'm sixteen) he would date me. He also gave me a peck on the cheek and gave me his autograph, and of ourselves we took some pictures.

Now I sit in my couch hand in hand with my boyfriend Brayden, watching The Death Cure. I turn to look at him, and think about what Thomas had told me before he left.

"Don't forget to live your life. Don't give up all of it for a silly crush." in fact it wasn't a crush. I will always love Thomas, but he is correct. I still have a long way to go in my life. I won't just stay here and spend my whole life waiting for someone who might not ever be mine.

Brayden turns and looks at me. I smile and give him a kiss.


When I used a legitimate crush...

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