11.5 | still the boy next door

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I had tried to kiss him.

I wanted my first kiss to be meaningful and I thought that maybe he felt the same way. But when I kissed him he pulled away instantly.

"I have a girlfriend," he had said as he looked at the doorway, then something fell. I turned to see a girl standing there  with her hand on her mouth. She ran out and Thomas eyes me with so much hatred.

Now I was returning to his house.

"What?" I asked as I got to the front step a bit too harsh.

"Uhm, I wanted to talk to you. It's been what? Like five years?" He said as he took his jacket from the floor and put it on. Then he closed the door behind him and started walking. "You coming?"

I looked at him, wondering what the hell this meant. I walked towards him and he smiled. We walked for a while not saying anything, which was fine by me. And when he spoke, I thought my heart would jump out.

"So how's school been?"

"I already graduated. If you would have been paying attention you would have known." I said. To my surprise he laughed.

"Just because I haven't been active in social media or in anyway doesn't mean I'm not paying attention." He said as he nudged me. I glared at him.


We turned to the park and I stopped. I haven't been here since ninth grade when Thomas had asked me out on a picnic date. Thomas turned to see me and pulled me by the sleeve.

"What are we doing here?" I asked as Thomas led me to the swings.

"We're going to talk." He said cheerfully.

"About what?" I asked.

"Stuff." He answered.

"What stuff?" He knit his eyebrows.

"Books?" He asked as he looked at me and smiled. "I heard you're an author now."

I couldn't help myself but to smile.

"My first book is to be published in three months!"

"That's so cool." He said as he looked at his watch. My happiness left.

"Okay, what's really going on?" I asked.

"I can't one day out of nowhere talk to one of my old friends simply because I want to talk to them?"

"No, because the last time we talked we ended in bad terms."

"Last time we talked I was acting stupid and I was stressed." He said as he got up.

"Yeah right," I got up too. "And all that stress had to be thrown at me. Thanks for letting me know that I was just a way for you to release your emotions about a bloody pathetic situation in which I was drunk!"

I knew I wasn't making sense. Tears were threatening my eyes, that's why I don't talk to boys. They are just too stupid to understand me. I started to walk back but then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"I'll walk you home." And he did.

I opened the door and the lights were off. The curtains were closed and everything was just so dark. I was about to turn and run out of the house when the lights turned on and everyone in there yelled, "Happy Birthday!"

I just stood there, not knowing what to say.
"She says thank you." Thomas said as he moved towards his mother and gave her a hug. Everyone laughed and hugged.

All my friends were there as well as my family. Which was weird but kinda heartwarming. I excluded myself to the kitchen where the soundness of music was drawn out and I was completely alone. I exhaled. I had completely forgotten it was my birthday, what with Thomas...
Speaking of which came in at that moment with a water bottle. He was smiling. He obviously hadn't seen me standing in the corner of the kitchen where no one could see me, because when he did, he dropped the water and he cursed.

"I didn't mean to startle you," I apologized. He smiles and moved towards me taking a seat on the counter.

"No problem," then I remembered the last time. It had been the exact same way, except that back then we were younger, now we're adults. "Did you really think I was angry at you all this years?"

I sat beside him and nodded.

"Wow," he scratched the back of his neck. "Wow."

Then I don't know what happened. I moved, I guess because he was kissing me, or maybe I was kissing him. But we weren't pulling away, even when someone walked in on us and started clapping. It felt good. A complete different way that other boys have kissed me during college. Thomas was tender and very sweet. He wasn't demanding he was enjoying along with me.
When we finally pull  back was to take a breath. He giggled. (Can boys giggle?)

"Thought that would happen again..."he said as he hugged me.

"Shut up," I said embarrassed.

"I can't because the last time we spoke I  didn't tell you why I was angry." He then looked me in the eyes, "I was angry because I heard that you were dating this guy, and I just couldn't understand. I felt weird and the reason I was angry was because I actually really really liked you."

"And now?"

"I still do," he said smiling. I smiled back.
After all this time the boy next door has been my true love. The only person I will ever love.

This time he kissed me and when we went out to the party, I was proud to call him my boyfriend.

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