15.5 | they returned

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Newt imagine
*third person pov*

"What do you mean?" Newt asks knitting his eyebrows.

"You heard Newt," Ava Paige says with urgency. "Once you get into the platform, I will be dead. You will be able to warn the rest. They have to leave. This is still part of the trials. This has never stopped. It will never stop."

The three people tried to sink the words in. Teresa looks at the old woman and grunts.

"Why should I trust you?" She says finally.

"Because you're still alive." Ava responds.

"Right. So we're just suppose to believe you?" Asks Newt.

The other girl looks over at him. "We must. People are going crazy Newt. The rest of the Gladers are still not safe, neither are you. We must leave at once."

"Okay how?" Asks Newt.

Teresa looks over at Ava Paige and smirks. "When?"

"Tonight. You must be prepared. I will be picking each of you up. You just understand though, I will be guarding your absences for a short period of time. Janson is getting quite irritating. And my brain is going nuts."

The three nod and don't ask any questions. They all head back to their dormitories. Newt just two doors from Teresa's and the girl's.

He couldn't stop touching his head. It felt surreal he was still alive. That bullet should have killed him. But it didn't. Tommy will not have this burden anymore. Thinking of him brought a pain to his chest. He can't believe he made him to that. He will never forgive Newt. Specially Minho. What will their reactions be when they find out he is actually alive?

That doesn't matter. Tonight they will be leaving. They will warn them about the Flare. They will warn all of them abut WICKED.

A knock startled him and he tried to sit up without hurting his head much. Janson walked in with a water bottle and some pills.

He looked completely insane. Newt looks up at the clock. A van will be here in ten minutes.

"Drink this," Janson says in a polite voice that doesn't reach his eyes. "The pain will subside."

Not daring to make him angry, Newt takes the pills and the water bottle. Putting the pills under his tongue he drank the water. Then opening his mouth to show Janson. He smiled and then stood there.

"Janson?" Asked Ava as she rounded the corner. Janson smooths his hair and smiles at her.

"Ava! What a surprise!"

"Same goes to you," she says. She starts to walk forward when Newt sees the shiny object. Teresa appears behind Ava and throws a knife at Janson's chest buying time for Newt to get up and run past Ava, who was frozen in place. If it weren't for the other girl, Ava would have died. They closed the door and broke the lock on it. Then ran down some hallways until they reached a dead end.

"It's earlier than expected," Ava says. The alarms started sounding. "Now go!"

A sort of door appears in front of them. Teresa takes their hands and runs through it. One last look at Ava and he knew she was dead. Her white clothes were stained with red. Janson was standing a few metres from her.

She mouthed the words, WICKED is good. One last time before collapsing.

The girl beside Newt yelled out in pain as hey dropped down on hard ground.

Teresa thinking straight and...walking. Takes knives out of her pocket and stars to destroy the portal.

Once it was destroyed she turned to them and collapsed.

"How are you walking?" Newt asks.

"Prosthetics," she says with a tight smile.

Then raising her knives up she gets up. I follow her and get the other girl up. Voices were coming down from every side.

"Step aside!" Yelled a awfully familiar voice. "Now what do we—" Minho stood there gawking at Teresa. "You're supposed to be dead."

Someone pushes him out of be way then he gasps. First looking at Teresa then turning to me. He starts to shake his head.

"Newt?" He whispers, tears falling down his cheeks. He shakes his head and runs to him. Hugging him tight.

"Hey Tommy," he whispers back as he hugs one of his best friends. "Bloody scary isn't it?"

Thomas laughs and separates from him. Then turns to look at Teresa, who had dropped her knives and was helping the other girl up.

"Tom?" Asked a girl form behind Minho, who was still staring at us in shock. Teresa freezes in mid action. Brenda with her hair cut short stops abruptly as she looks at Newt then at Teresa. "Teresa?"

Thomas looks from Brenda to Teresa in confusion.

"Brenda," she says not looking at her at all.

"We need to talk," the girl says breaking the awkward silence.

After that we went to sit around a fire where told them how we had survived, well except Teresa. She wasn't speaking at all, just playing with her knives.

After an while everyone starts to disperse. Newt, Teresa, Minho, and some of the remaining Gladers stayed behind.

"How are you?" Thomas whispers to Teresa while the rest caught up on somethings and were smiling.

"Good." She responds. "Look To—Thomas, I have to leave."

Thomas shakes his head. "No." He spoke louder than he meant to. But there was no turning back. "I didn't lose you once to lose you again. I forgive you okay? I know why you did all those things. You can't leave."

Teresa shook her head. She wasn't going to cry in front of them. "You don't get it." She whispers as she looks at Brenda across be field.

"Her? There's nothing there." Thomas whispers back. By now every Glader has left. They were the only ones left. "There's nothing there."

With that he leaned in and kissed her.

Meanwhile in the other side. Newt sat with the girl holding her hand, as the medics took the bullet out.

They were set to leave tomorrow morning to a new place. Newt didn't know how to feel. This was all happening too fast. He looked down at the girl, she was smiling at him.

"You look different form the time I saved you," she jokes. Newt smiles at her and removes the hairs from her face. Dismissing the intense desire to pull her to him. He has been dreaming of her during those days in a coma. He didn't know why, but he kept on hearing her voice beside him.

"Thank you," he says. She shakes her head. "No seriously, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here. With my family."

She sighs. "There's nothing to thank me about. I was just doing my job."

"You could have left me there though," Newt  says. She shakes her head again.

"I would never," she responds as she intertwined her fingers in his. "I would have to be crazy to leave you behind."

Newt smiles. Maybe this new world they could finally be happy. Teresa with Tommy. Him here with this girl. They could move on from the horrible world outside.

I guess after all, WICKED is good.

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