14 | last day on earth

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Newt imagine
*third person pov*

He lay there still as the wind.

"Can you stop please?" The girl chastised.

"No," he said with a brilliant smile. For a flicker of time the girl's eye changed, but the boy was too careless, or he just didn't pay attention.
She shook her head and turned back to face their task.

"Okay," she whispered as she sat back and took her tablet out. "So we figure out who they are and then—"

She was cut off by a laugh that sent chills through her skin. As she got up to see what was happening the boy was already getting up.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her along with him.

"The mission isn't safe anymore," he said as they made their way across the forest. Tears started pouring from her eyes. "I know how much this meant to you but we can't pretend like they will accept it."

The girl nodded and wiped the tears away from her. She then started to run faster, taking the lead. When she looked back, the boy was behind. She had forgotten about his limp.

"Newt I'm sorry," she said but that didn't matter. The way he looked at her was enough to silence the whole world.

"Yeah whatever." He said as he ran past her. Tears threatened to make their way down, but she pushed them away for his sake.

As they strolled through the endless forest, thoughts overwhelmed the boy. He knew that his limp was the cause of their delay. He knew that his limp was the cause of her separation.

He turned around to see the girl. She was looking at the floor. Her hair all over the place. If she only knew how he felt...

The girl looked up and gasped. By the time he turned around, someone had already punched him.

"You are late!" He yelled at him. He gets up and wipes his nose which was now bleeding.

"It wasn't his fault!" The girl protested. "The mission was a fail."

The boy glared at Newt and his eyes went to his leg. Newts face turned slightly red. The boy snickered as he saw Newt trying to get up. "Of course it want," he whispered only for him to hear.

The boy had dark hair, and hazel eyes. He was muscular since he was the Chief of Guards.

"Report." He ordered. The girl took her tablet out and handed it to him. Really the mission didn't even start. But he smiled anyway, and when he looked up at her, his eyes were soft. The girl didn't notice it as she made her way towards Newt, or perhaps she was completely ignoring it.

The Chief glared at Newt as she laid her hand underneath him and help him up. His jaw tightened and his knuckles turned white. It wasn't until then that Newt understood, he was in love with her. The Chief was in love with his best friend.

"Hey," the Chief said as he moved towards them and looked directly at her. "There's a party tonight, celebrating the Departure," he paused to add an effect. "And I was wondering if you would come with me?"

"The girl's eyes widened as the realization hit her, and blushed. "That's sweet of you..." She looked at Newt who was playing with his hands and pretending to not be listening. "But I already have a date."

"You do?" Both boys asked.

"Uh, yeah." She said and walked away. Newt and the Chief looked at each other.

"Do you know who it is so I can break his nose?" He asked. Newt shook his head. The Chief shook his head and snorted. Newt not standing it any longer trailed behind his best friend.


It wasn't until dark that Newt found her.

"There you are!" He said as he entered her cabin. His mouth fell open as she turned to see him. She was wearing a red gown with black intricate designs. A black ribbon around her waist making her curves shine out. "You look beautiful." He said as he took a step towards her, making her blush. "Your date is the luckiest man alive."

At that she slapped him. Tears pouring from her eyes. Newt didn't understand why, but he didn't care. He grabbed her and consoled her until she stopped crying.

"My date is standing right in front of me!" She yelled as she slapped my chest. Newt was frozen. "I thought you already knew that..."

"Newt stammered for words. A smile started to play across his lips. The feast before the Departure was the most important celebration of human existence. It was meant to be the new start of the human race. This date determines who will be enrolled and who you'll be paired for the rest of your life out in space. The fact that the prettiest girl in town choose to go with him meant...

"I love you," she said as she grabbed his hand.

"Damm it," he said under his breath, she gasped. "I was going to say it first."

She placed her hands on his chest and looked up at him, smiling. "Does that mean...?"

He smiled and nodded.

The Departure was tomorrow. Today whoever you went with, will become your life. We were going to space tomorrow, and today is our last day on earth.

She kissed him and he kissed her. There wasn't a better way to spend your last day on earth, but with the one you loved.


This was inspired by a the 100 by Kass Morgan. I don't know, I hope you like it!

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