11 | the boy next door

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Thomas Sangster imagine
*your pov*

The boy next door has always been cute. He has gone to my school since I can remember. When we graduated high school, he was already in the movie industry, while I? I sat in my four poster bed and did my university homework for a career that I didn't even know would work.
The boy next door is always happy. Every time I see him he seems like the sun. A brilliant smile and his eyes, sparkling like there's no evil in this world. Or maybe it's just my love for him talking but you get the point.
Sometimes I let myself wonder about him. What would it be like to date him, to kiss him, to know he at least recognizes you.
I lay in my bed when I hear someone knocking at my window. Another knock makes me get up and open the window to see the boy, man, staring at me from across. He is smiling, and he has something in his hands. I knit my eyebrows and ask what is going on.
"Come over." He says in that perfect British accent of his. I stare intently at him. The last time I was at his house was at his sixteenth birthday, when everything went wrong.

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