12 | just another one

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"You know just because you're my best friend doesn't mean I'm likely to fall in love with you!" He had said to me one day, a grin on his face, his hair tousled as he looked up from his book.

Now, years late, I'm laying here on the grounds of university, looking up at the blue sky. The clouds shift into shapes that I can't make out, not that I'm trying to. My head is busy replaying every word that was shared that day. Every detail of him. From the way his grin made his eyes crinkle, to the way his body leaned forward, the grin on his face sending waves of butterflies.

I haven't stopped thinking of him. Just when I had convinced myself that he was just another boy. He returned. That glorious smile of his, that humour that made my heart melt whenever he spoke, that voice that soothes me when I was down, those eyes that I fell into and didn't mind.

Sighing deeply, I wipe my hands on my pants, desperately telling myself to stop thinking. Sighing once more, I take the the first step away from the stupid spot, and then the other. One after the other until I finally reach the door of my dorm. And just when my mind was finally shifting directions—to my physics assignment I have due in a few days—he had to appear. That fucking grin on his face making my stomach do flips. And I don't process what I'm doing, but one second I'm looking at the blonde haired boy sitting on my bed, and the next I'm staring at the hallway. I feel as my feet take the first few steps, rather fast too.


My eyes widen when the hands wrap themselves around my wrists and twirls me around, and specially when I notice how close we are.

"Hey!" He says, a wide smile on his lips. "I was wondering where you were."

"Outside," I snap, my voice is lower than usual and it holds a hesitation that he understands easily, for he sighs and runs a hand through his hair, tousling it even more.

"You're still mad at me?"

"You promised!" I yell, the sudden outburst making him take a step back, his eyes widening. Around us, some people who had been loitering stop their chatter and look at us with raised eyebrows. "Don't you have something to do?" I snap at them, and instantly they return to their usual loitering business.

"I know! But what did you expect?" He says, and I fight back the groan that tries to escape my lips.

"I don't know!" I punch him. "Not this! Obviously."

"Okay can we just talk inside?" He asks as he scans the surrounding. "Seriously. Please?"

I shake my head and enter my room with him right behind me.

"I'm sorry I broke a promise that I shouldn't have made in the first place because well, I've liked you since I was a child."

"I know, but I just..."

He runs a hand through his blonde hair.

"I'm sorry for loving you," he says. "I should've made that stupid promise."

"Okay, seriously? I'm just shaken up okay," I sigh. "I already told you, I—shit."

He smiles and sits. Ever since he told me that he loved me, I haven't been able to look at him. He promised me he wouldn't fall in love with me. A promise that I knew I wouldn't be able to keep, since well he's gorgeous! Every girl wants him!

"I just want to know," I continue. "If," he smiles, "don't get ahead of yourself, I said if, if I accept. What would happen to us?"

"We will be dating!" He says.

"Yeah when we break up what?"

"We won't break up."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Cause one day you'll be walking down an aisle wearing a white dress, that's why."

"No seriously!"

"I am serious!" He moves and takes my hand, "I'm in love with you, we'll be graduating in like two months!"

"Newt, I don't want to-"

"Say something."

I sigh and look at him. "I want to," he knits his eyebrows as I take a step back. "But I just can't help to think about breakups. You've seen me—"

"Yes I have and I hated them. I hated seeing you in pain. Look, I'm not like them, okay? I'm not leaving you hanging. I'm not. I'm not going to leave you at all. If you don't want this, it's okay, I don't want to force you into anything. But I need an answer, yes or no. Either way, I'm still going to be there for you. Always."

I feel a muscle flick on my cheek as I look at him. "Always?"

He nods.

I bit my lip. "I—I like you, I do. And—" I sigh. " I'm willing to give this a try."

He smiles and kisses my cheek, something he has done for over five years now. But this time it felt different, somehow. "Great, I'll be back at seven for our first date."

He kisses me again on the cheek and leaves.

I sigh. I guess he isn't just another boy.

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