21 | hang out

331 13 1

This is something different just like if you were texting. Since the last one was a bit...twisted.

Newt Imagine

Newt: hey, I know this, uh, this is weird. But I was wondering if you could help me with this problem.

Me: Sure, but for what class?

Newt: oh no, not a class. It's more like...human problem.

Me: oh, uh, sure. Although I don't know what you mean.

Newt: oh, it's fine. I'll just, uh...

{hours later}

Me: hey do you still need help?

Newt: oh, no. Thank it's fine.

Me: c'mon Newt, what did you want to tell me?

Newt: you know my name?

Me: it kinda says it when you first texted me, so yes. Also we're in the same classes. You're always quiet and a genius since you're named after one of my faves.

Newt: oh.

Me: so, yes or no?

Newt: yes.

Me: okay, pick me up right now and we'll solve it. 😊

Newt: uh, okay.👍

Me: you've never used an emoji have you?😂

Newt: yes I have!😎

Newt: okay that was an accident

Me: okay, Newty, are you here yet?

Newt: oh, yeah forgot about that.

{minutes later}
Me: so? What's the deal?

Newt: with what?

Me: the girl of course

Newt: how you know it's about a girl?

Me: because every time someone asks me to come over is for that reason

Newt: okay but I don't know how to talk to her

Me: first, does she know you exist?

Newt: I think so.

Me: second, do you talk to her?

Newt: sometimes, but only for school stuff

Me: okay, why haven't you tried talking to her about something else?

Newt: I don't want to seem like a stocker

Me: why is that?

Newt: because

Me: right, do you like her?

Newt: ever since grade school

Me: why haven't you told her?

Newt: because she's with someone else

Me: maybe she's not, have you asked?

Newt: no, but anyway she wouldn't like to hang out with me, she might think I'm a weirdo. And I can't face bag because I like her so much and I just...

Me: just tell her that

Newt: I already did

Me: what did she say?

Newt: to just tell her

Me: ...

Newt: told you it was a bad idea

Me: it took you long enough

Newt: ...

Me: well, when do we hang out?

So, this is not my best I know. But vote if you like it and comment please!

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