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Connor did as asked. He went and showered. He used all Allison's products. His hair smelled flowery now. He didn't have much hair so he just waited for it to dry.

He managed to style it. He wasn't very good at styling his hair, since he didn't know style very well. He put on the outfit he brought to wear. It wasn't anything special: jeans and a black long sleeve shirt with a few buttons near the neckline.

He walked into Allison's room. She was straightening her hair.

"I know you said to stop talking to you but help me out." He called.

She looked over at him. She let out a long sigh and set her straightener down. She walked over to him. She looked him over.

He looked good. He had a bit of a beard coming in since he was really too lazy to shave. She played with it, flattening out the few stray hairs. He made a face which made her straight face crack a bit. She looked up at his hair. It wasn't bad. She fixed a bit of it.

"What about the clothes?" He swallowed.

She undid the top two buttons. There was only four and they were very close together. She gently brushed his shoulders, then adjusted the sleeves. She pulled his jeans up a bit. Jeans never stayed up on him because of his ass. He chuckled a bit.

"Done." She nodded, walking back to where she was doing her hair.

"Thank you." He looked over at her.

She just nodded. He went and sat on her bed. He flicked through the channels as she finished getting ready. He would glance over at her once in awhile.

She had missed a piece on the back of her head. She was brushing through her hair. Connor decided to play hero. He walked over to her and picked up the straightener.

"You missed a spot." He said as he ran the straightener through her hair.

"Can you make sure the back is straight, please?" She bit her lip.

"Anything for you." He smirked.

She rolled her eyes. She typed on her phone as he fixed the back for her. She looked up in the mirror in front of them. She decided to snap a photo.

Connor had the straightener high enough for it to be seen above her head. He was looking down at her head. She had her tongue sticking out. He started laughing.

"What do you plan to do with that?" He asked as he turned off the straightener.

"Post it on Instagram and call you being nice a Christmas miracle." She smirked.

He shook his head at her. She did just that. She was still mad and he knew it. The two went downstairs to help her mom set everything up.

They had a Christmas Eve party every year. Now that Allison was eighteen, her friends could decided to show if they wanted to, rather than have their parents telling them no.

Connor hadn't been to the Christmas Eve party before since he had been at World Juniors. He had made it to some other parties her mom had hosted. They were usually fun. She didn't care if the kids drank so that was always a bonus.

But Connor wouldn't be drinking. He'd be driving home when Allison finally went to sleep. He had to be home for Christmas.

Kara showed up first. She had some story about how Mitch blabbed to Dylan and now Dylan and her were fighting. Kara started drinking quickly.

Connor was standing to the side. Allison's friends Farrah, Jessica, Amber, John, Rachel, Darren, Justin, and Sierra all made an appearance as well.

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