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Connor felt like shit. Alli hadn't done anything wrong. He was just being a baby. He was sitting in the parking lot of the clinic her blood drive was at. He was planning what he was gonna say.

She wasn't mad when she left, but he still felt bad. He freaked out over nothing. He had left marks on her before and her nothing about it. He was just being a baby. He got out of his car and walked inside.

The place was busy. He saw Phoebe and Veronica. He waved to them. They waved back and went back to talking to the people they were talking with.

Connor tried to creep in undetected. He heard people whispering about him. He ignored it. He was just here to talk to Allison. He spotted her through a crowd. He started walking towards her. He froze behind her. She was talking to someone. To a guy. To...

Wil Tomchuk.

Connor cleared his throat. Wil looked over at him and Allison turned to face him.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" She smiled at him.

"Just came to donate blood." He put his hands in his pockets. "And I wanted to apologize."

She rolled her eyes. "No, you're fine." She grabbed his wrist.

"That's my cue to leave." Wil chuckled. "I'll see you around."

Connor glared at Wil as he walked away.

Allison smacked his stomach. "Don't be a jerk." She warned.

"I don't like that guy." Connor whined. She growled. "Look, I'm sorry for being a dick, earlier. I love that you leave your mark on me, I love being yours."

She smiled, leaning into him. "I love being yours too." She said before she pressed her lips to his. "Now, time for you to give me your blood."

He let her pull him over to the station. "No wonder the boys call you a vampire." He teased.

The next night, the Oilers left for a road trip.

It was only the third day in but Allison was missing Connor. She had gotten home from class and went straight to his and Taylor's apartment. She was curled into a ball in his bed. She had spent a lot of time away from Connor in their relationship, but this time was hitting her the hardest. She decided to call him.

"Hello?" He yawned when he answered.

"Shit, were you asleep?" She frowned.

He sat up. "Yeah, but it's okay. Why haven't you called me back until now?" He asked.

"I felt annoying. I texted you like five thousand times and I didn't want to seem,"

"Al, that wasn't annoying. I like hearing from you, no matter how many texts you send me in a row." He argued.

She stayed silent. Connor was quiet as well. He could tell something was wrong. Getting things out of Allison was not easy. She was reserved and didn't like being a burden, so she avoided talking about her problems to people.

Connor didn't think she was a burden at all. He wanted to be there for her as much as he possibly could with his crazy schedule.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He broke their silence.

"It's—nothing. Nothing important is wrong." She sighed.

"Allison," He growled.

"It's not something you need to worry about on a road trip." She explained.

"I'm always worried about you, you're clumsy as hell." He teased.

She chuckled. "I just really miss you a lot. I always miss you when you're gone, it's just more than usual this time." She told him.

"Maybe it's the pillows." He frowned.

"It's totally the pillows but I love the pillows." She smiled. "Just please get home as soon as you can."

"Just one more sleep and I'm back in your arms." He sang. "But then we have the Foundation banquet."

"I know. I already bought my dress." She told him. "We're going to look dashing." She said, in a funny accent.

"I love you." He stated. "So much. I'm sorry I leave you so often."

"Hey, don't be sorry. It's your job." She frowned. "I'm fine with you leaving as long as you always come back."

"There's no one else I would want to come back to besides you." He promised.

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