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The end of January came and so did Allison's birthday. She climbed out of her cab out front of Kara's. She walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.

Allison smiled when Kara pulled the door open. They hugged and Kara started crying. Allison made fun of her. Kara grabbed her bags and carried them upstairs. Allison started laughing when she walked into Kara's room. Kara smiled at her.

"I missed you." Kara huffed, pouting at Allison.

"I cannot wait to get bombed tonight." Allison shook her head, dropping on to Kara's bed.

The two caught up while they got ready for their night. Kara was decked out in London merchandise. Allison had her McDavid jersey on. A few of their friends from home were making the trip down. They'd be meeting the girls at Budweiser Gardens.

They took a cab to the arena. Allison bought a beer as soon as she got there. They found their seats and watched warm ups. They were behind the benches, right in the centre.

Allison sat on Erie's side and Kara sat on London's. Allison started screaming whenever the Erie guys came over. Kara was laughing at her.

Alex looked over and waved to them both. He got Dylan's attention. Dylan looked up. Kara froze. He was staring at her. Allison noticed.

He gave Kara a small nod before his glance turned to Allison. She held her beer up to him. He started laughing. He mouthed that he'd buy her a drink later. She gave him a thumbs up.

The game ended in a London victory. Dylan and Mitch hugged at the end of the night. They were both coming out for Allison's birthday.

Mitch and Allison had become better friends ever since his party. He took care of her so she didn't think he was that big of a jerk anymore.

Kara took Allison to Barney's. She was already buzzed from the game so Kara was watching her. Their friends were all there. When the players starting showing up, Barney's got rowdy.

Allison was dancing around and singing to every song that played with a drink in her hand. She was talking to everyone. Kara was watching her like a hawk. She wanted to keep her best friend safe.

Allison staggered over to Dylan and Mitch. She had watched them go over to Kara every ten minutes and was getting annoyed.

They were having some chat about who should be with Kara. They weren't arguing in the slightest. It was a genuine discussion. They were both trying to give their arguments like it was a debate of some sort. Allison listened in complete annoyance.

"How about the two of you let her decide?" Allison cut in.

"Al, go dance some more. This doesn't involve you." Dylan brushed her off.

"Everything involving Kara involves me." She argued. "You two are so focused on making sure the two of you get what you want that you don't even care about her feelings!"

"Hey, come on. Just go dance, Alli. Have fun." Mitch smiled at her.

"I can't! You two are ridiculous!" She cried.

"You don't understand this because you're still wrapped around Connor's finger." Dylan scoffed.

Allison furrowed her brows. "How the fuck am I wrapped around his finger?"

Dylan chuckled. "He and I talk about everything. I know everything."

Allison could punch him. "What is there to know? It's out in the open." She screamed. "Explain to me how I'm wrapped around his finger!" She shoved him.

"You're always with him, Allison! Even when you had a fucking boyfriend, you were always with him." Dylan growled.

"We were close friends then." She crossed her arms.

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