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Allison checked Instagram the next morning. Connor had tagged her in a photo. That explained why her follower requests were exploding. It was her standing in the doorway with her gifts. She was all smiles and had snow all through her hair. It was a good photo of her. She wasn't arguing that. She read the caption and chuckled.

mcdavid97: Glad Santa finally brought me the girl of my dreams 💏 Happy Holidays everyone!

Allison decided to post a photo of her own. It was the picture of them in front of the tree. They both looked good in it. She played with some filters and then added it. She made sure to tag him. She was private so she could do that now. She couldn't think of a caption for it that wouldn't have Kara calling her, freaking out. She finally came to a good one.

allisonrogers: thanks to this one for making this year's Christmas the best. 💕 Merry Christmas everyone! 🎄

Connor and Allison had chose to go back to spend New Years in Edmonton. All their friends were there so they had to. Taylor bought them booze before they went out since they would both be nineteen in January.

At the bar, they weren't even asked for ID. It was the perks of being a hockey player and a hockey players plus one, as Connor said. They didn't have to run off to kiss at midnight because Veronica and Phoebe were completely aware that the pair were an item again. They just didn't know which item.

A week went by and it was Veronica's birthday. The girls planned on a girls night at this club they had grown to like. The entire Oilers team showed up. Veronica had a fun night.

The girls didn't get to sit down once. The boys had them dancing all night. Connor was even dancing and he always claimed to hate it. It was probably because he was free of his sling and could rub his hands all over Allison as they dance.

Being allowed to travel and practice again, Connor seemed to have a lot less time for Allison. He hated it but she understood. This also meant that he wouldn't be in Edmonton for his birthday.

They had a three day road trip out west. Both parties were upset about it. He wouldn't be playing but he needed to be there to cheer on his team. And he wanted to be. Edmonton was getting a bit boring to him.

Connor drove to Allison's after a practice. He parked his car and went in. A few girls were walking down the halls of her dorm. They were whispering about him. He just kept his head down.

He loved his fans, but not when he was trying to spend time with Allison. He got to her door and knocked. Someone had crossed out Allison's name and wrote 'Mrs. McDavid' on the whiteboard. He chuckled.

She opened the door. "Hey." She greeted with a smile.

"I like this." He said, pointing to the whiteboard.

She looked then rolled her eyes. "My floormates think they're comedians." She huffed, leading him inside.

Connor glanced at her sweater. "Is that my Erie sweater?" He chuckled.

"Absolutely. It's so warm." She smiled, sitting on her bed.

He leaned down and kissed her. She smiled into it. They cuddled up in her bed and pulled up Netflix on her laptop. She let Connor pick what he wanted to watch. She would probably fall asleep like she always did. He didn't mind. He just liked being with her.

He settled on 'The Heat' with Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy. He could always use a good comedy. Allison cuddled into him.

"What do you wanna do for your birthday?" She asked, looking up at him.

He frowned. "I'm in Arizona the day before and San Jose the day after it, remember?"

Her face fell. "Oh, right. That's not driving distance like it used to be, huh." She pouted.

"I know, but we could do something before, or after." He kissed the top of her head. "I don't care what we do as long as you spend it with me."

"What if I fly out for it?" She suggested.

"What?" His brows furrowed, his she's looking down at her. "What about sch-"

"I'd miss three classes and my one professor posts all lessons online and I have friends in the other two." She explained, rolling her eyes.

"Don't skip school for me." He groaned.

"Shut up. I'm booking a ticket tonight." She smiled, cuddling more into his chest.

"No, I'll get you a ticket." He sighed. "Are you coming alone?"

She shrugged. "I don't know if Phoebe or Veronica can af-"

"I'll pay for them too if they wanna come. I make a bit of money." He grinned.

She rolled her eyes. "Okay, I'll let you know, loser."

He nodded, kissing her forehead. "You do that."

Allison was asleep in Connor's arms when Phoebe and Veronica came in. And Ryan and Taylor. The boys started bugging Connor. He woke up and told them he'd kill them if Allison was woken up. They quieted down. They started asking him about what the plan for his birthday was. He just shrugged.

"Allison wants to fly out to Arizona and spend it with me." He explained. "I can get you two tickets if you're okay with missing school." He told Phoebe and Veronica.

"I'll just grab Phoeb's ticket." Ryan waved him off.

"I'll take that ticket." Veronica chuckled.

"I could get you one." Taylor shrugged.

"Isn't that a little too relationship-like for you?" She teased.

He laughed. "Barely."

Phoebe couldn't stop going on about how excited she was. Veronica had made her way to Nail now. Her and Taylor hooked up for a bit but there just wasn't a spark. Not that she was looking for a spark. She just got bored of the same old guy. And that was totally okay, so long as she stayed single. But Taylor was pissed she was coming to hook up with Nail.

Their plane had just landed in Arizona. They were dropping their things at their hotel and then going straight to the game. This was the only way they could get there with missing as little school as possible.

The girls were in a rush from that moment on. Allison nearly got hit by a cab just so they could get one quickly. They tossed all their bags in and were off to the hotel.

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