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Allison burst into laughter when Connor told her the price of the condominium he wanted to check out. She laughed the entire drive to Dylan's, then when Dylan said the price wasn't that high, she laughed all the way to Mitch's. Mitch agreed with the other two guys, and Allison laughed again. Money wasn't an object to these boys.

"It's idiotic to spend that much on a place that we'll use for four months, at most, a year." She shook her head. "I can't even afford to pay half of that, either way."

"You wouldn't be paying for it." Connor snorted.

"What?" Her brows furrowed. "Why wouldn't I be p-"

"Al, you know I have enough money to take care of the both of us." He said, watching the road.

"So I'm a charity case because I can't afford a half a million dollar condo?" She snapped.

He pulled the car over, putting it in park. "You don't have to afford it! I want to buy this for us, Allison! I don't care about if you can fucking pay for it or not!" He hollered at her. She just stared at him. "I want to do this for our relationship."

"Okay." She spoke quietly.

Connor started to drive as he took a deep breath. "And this condo is three bedroom, so they can stay with us too. Marns and his Marlies could even sublease from us during the rest of the year." He shrugged.

"Hey, that's really cool." Dylan smiled. "I'm touched you were thinking about us."

"I'm sure some of the guys would be down to do that too." Mitch nodded.

"Then it's all settled. Stop being crazy." Connor reached over and squeezed Allison's nose.

She shoved his hand away. "You make me crazy." She rolled her eyes.

Allison held onto Connor's hand the entire time they walked through the condo. It really was beautiful, and big. She could see why Connor wanted it, but she didn't want Connor spending so much of his hard earned money on this. She wanted to be able to help out, a little bit.

Connor thanked the salesman as he walked away. He turned to her smiling, she could see how much he loved this place. She gave him a weak smile, and he noticed. His face fell a bit. She shook her head before she grabbed both his hands.

"You hate it." He sighed.

"No, I really don't." She argued. "If you love this place, I'm all for it."

"Why don't you love it?" He exhaled slowly.

"I'll love anywhere I'm with you." She smiled, rubbing his cheek. "Get this place, Connor."

Connor kissed her before he walked over to the real estate agent. They shook hands before paperwork was brought up. Connor called Allison over. She furrowed her brows as she walked over.

"What's up?" She asked, wrapping an arm around him.

"This is our home, you need to sign too." He told her, rubbing her back.

She smiled, kissing his jaw. They finished up with their paperwork, rounded their kids (Dylan and Mitch), and left their new home. Connor was beaming, which was causing Alli to do the same. Connor drove to some restaurant so they could all eat.

After being seated, Dylan and Mitch found some girls and went to flirt. Connor and Allison were left alone in the booth. Alli was reading over the menu and could feel him watching her. She glanced up, meeting his gaze, and smiled. He was smiling too. She sat her menu down.

"I'm really glad we did this, and I can't wait to do this in Edmonton too." He said, grabbing her hand.

She played with his fingers. "Would you be okay with something smaller in Edmonton? Like, more-"

"Homier?" He finished the sentence for her. She nodded. "Yeah, I was thinking that too." He watched their hands. "I just know our summers are mostly gonna be partying, and I really wanted one flashy place."

"I understand, baby." She smiled.

"I think we should get a smaller apartment in Edmonton, and maybe even start looking for a starter house in a little while, especially if we want to make Edmonton our home." He said, looking over his menu again.

She was just smiling at him. "God, why do we think the same?" She laughed.

"Because we're soulmates!" He exclaimed, grabbing her hand and kissing her knuckles.

"Hey, you know what I was thinking?" Dylan yelled as they came back.

He slid in next to Allison and Mitch slid in beside Connor. Connor shrugged at Dylan. He didn't want to even try to guess what Dylan was thinking, that was dangerous.

"Remember the Duke trade? Yotes wanted him because him and Dom were so good together?" Dylan said, getting a nod in response from Connor. "What if that happens with you and me?"

"I don't think Edmonton is ever gonna let me le-"

"I know, I'm saying what if they tried to pick me up." Dylan rolled his eyes.

Connor shrugged. "You know I would love that, but be realistic, Stromer."

Dylan made a face and rolled his eyes while doing it. "You act like such a dad sometimes, Davo." He growled. "Like Marns and I are your kids and not your best bros."

"Kinda seems like that." Connor chuckled.

Mitch and Dylan both started to argue that. Connor exhaled, giving Alli a look. She was laughing at the whole ordeal.

"I love you guys, but you do act like kids most of the time." He stated.

"Newsflash Baby Great One, we are kids!" Dylan yelped.

"Whatever." Connor laughed, throwing a straw wrapper at him.

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