Chap 2 - Stranded

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            "OK, I'll get someone to get your stuff up to your room and-" Before I could finish, Calum interrupted me, not that I mind. "But I want you to show us into our room." He flirtatiously pouted. I almost fell backwards over my desk chair, but two can play at that game. "Fine, but I'll only show your way to your room, not in. God knows what kind of trouble we'll get into," I slurred.
            "Oooooo," the boys rhythmically cooed. "Fine, good enough," Calum answered shortly. I gave out a satisfied smiled. I got a bell boy to carry their stuff up to their room, but I personally showed their way to their room.
             The elevator ride was awkward, so awkward that I'd rather trade that moment with the one where I had to stand up in class for the whole session because I didn't finish my homework. Sure I was encased in a steel box with four rock gods but I just CANNOT stand awkward situations.
At what feels like forever, the elevator door came to my social aid. "Come on boys," I swat my hand in the air to call for them and also to dry the sweat off my squishy, moist palms.
            I amble down the hall, checking for their room number. Finally, I stopped at room number 689.
             I keyed in the access card the it made a click right after the approving of the green light. I opened the door, "In, now, before anyone sees yo-" "FIVE SECONDS OF SUMMER!!," a girl's hysterical scream cuts through the hall way. "Shit," I groaned. "In now!" I shoved them all in and locked the door on me, not even taking notice that I'm on the wrong side of the door.
            I'm currently inside of their room, just where I needed to be. With the door facing me, I planned to bang my head on the door multiple times before facing them, but instead, I rested my forehead on the wooden door.
            Seems like my sudden action started a conversation because not long after that Calum spoke up. "Thought you're only suppose to show us the way to the room not in," he smirked.
            I turned my head around just enough to glance over at him, "Oh shut up," I rolled my eyes at him. I can hear the boys snickering about.
            I checked to see if the girl was gone, but when I looked into the door's peephole, her black eyes were already ready on the other side.
            I gasped and stumbled backwards at the sight of a human eye up close. Since I was in heels, I didn't regain much balance after the tragic stumble.
            I felt long, strong arms grasping me as I fell backwards. My body was slightly slanted at about 60 degree angle when Calum, my rescuer, set me back on 90 degree angle. "You alright?" He asked. "Yeah, fine," I said, swooning in his arms. His arms were still around me until I started shifting a little.
            "But she's still out there, so you all gotta simmer the hell down," I informed them, snapping back into action. "Yes Ma'am!," he saluted and half-shouted. "Shh!" I hissed.
            "Guess, we're stranded here," I shrugged. "What's wrong with that?" Michael belly flopped onto the bed. "Many things," I sighed, not even knowing what it means, but it felt right.
            Ashton and Luke fought for the TV remote and finally, somehow, it rested in between Calum's hands. They surfed throughout all the channels we provided and ended up staying on Disney channel.
            They stupidly but adorably sang along to Phineas and Ferb's theme song and talked about some random shit.
             Next they chased each other in the hotel room, it made me go, "This is one hell of a band." But of course, they didn't hear me.
            But hey, I still love my boys and that's all that matters.

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