Chap 22 - Cleans Swean

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            "Maybe she likes another member?" My dad suggested blankly. Well, I can't expect him to understand a woman's feeling. 1 point for mom and 108382020392020939302020193838 points to dad.
            "I doubt that David, just look at her," my mom's voice beamed with hope to see if my dad realizes. I just heard him shrug and my mom sighed right after that as if she was expecting that response.
            "What's taking her so long?" Mom asked. Oh no. "Hailey!?" My dad's voice boomed from the kitchen. I hollowed my voice so it made it sound like I was upstairs because it's too late to run upstairs now, I'd make so much noise. "Coming!"
            I (tried to) soundlessly step up the stairs to my room. I grabbed the keys to mom's Volvo from the vanity table and dashed out the room.
"Got it," the keys jangling from the key ring that hooped around my finger. "Let's go."
We got strapped into the car and had a quick move on.
"Ring me if you need me," mom said before driving off from the hotel drop off lot. "Kay," I nodded.
               I entered the hotel and almost every staff I pass by greeted me. They just wanted a good rating 'cause I'm the boss' daughter...
               I dazed around with my phone to get to the cleaning equipments. I was ready to play a custom playlist made up of my all time favorite songs until I bumped into someone.
                 "Sorry," I muttered. "Hailey?" Asked a surprised voice I'm very familiar with for the past few hours. The human I had expected turned around and face me.
                  "What are you doing here?" I spoke. "Waiting for the rest, why?" He greeted me with a morning smile that was easily recognized on his face. Easily recognized? That's when I realized, he was and could be easily really recognized by people.
                   "People will recognize you smartass!" I said in a harsh whisper and tugged his dark beanie until it covered his eyes. "Okay okay, chill," he laughed sensationally. "Well what do you want me to do? Wear a scarf?"
                  "Do you know how much the heat kills in Malaysia?" I pointed out to his absurd idea. "Exactly," he said and then I realized he was being sarcastic about wearing a scarf.
                    "Don't worry, we're goin incognito. More like an undercover mission," he impression-ised James Bond and it was so bad I punched him playfully on his biceps.
                "Sup," I heard one of the boys from the back. I was pretty sure it was Luke but I greeted them all in one go anyways. "Hey."
            "Ready?" Calum asked. "Yeah," they corresponded. "Alright let's go," Ashton already started walking to the entrance of the hotel. They all responded quickly and walked off too. "See you later Hailey," Calum stayed back a bit and winked at me. "Wait what? Cal-" Calum gave me one last smile before pacing up to catch up with his friends.
            Meh, maybe he meant after the concert or something. But that wink told me that there's something more than meeting after the concert. I left that thought to go astray in my mind and proceed to get the cleaning equipments because I just wanted to get this over with.
            Surprisingly. They're room wasn't really left in a burden full mess. Only the bed was a mess. Don't even make me start thinking about any smutty events on that might've happened on that piece of furniture.
            The pillows were all in place and the sheets were a little wrinkled up but none other than that, I only have to smoothen it out and fluff the pillows.
            I smoothen the sheets out while listening to some music and I tucked the remains of the sheets under the mattress to make it look neat and tidy.
           Well, I guess it's time to move on to the pillow so I can get back home to my own pillow.
            I started by picking up one pillow from one stack that got me awfully peculiar for no apparent reasons.
            Once the pillow lost contact with the pillow below it, something revealed underneath the pillow I was currently lifting.
            I placed the pillow onto an empty space of the tidy bed and began to inspect what was on the other pillow.
            Seemed to me like a piece of parchment, until I opened up the folds that concealed something else within it.

Heyyo guys. It's Kya (duh or not I would've been hacked but anyways) and I just wanna tell my current readers (thank you so much for reading ily much) that my sch0oling terms are starting... tomorrow......... Ugh. I might not be able to update some chapters as often because mom MIGHT take away my phone but hey, I said might. We'll see how things go. Have a gr8 day/night. Love y'all ❤️ -Kya-

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