Chap 5 - Balls

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            I didn't know what to expect until Michael gasped. "You've seen Calum's balls??" He asked, fascinated. "What?! What does eggs have anything to do with balls?" I shrieked. Calum, who moved away from me, just stood at his new spot, shocked, red cheeked and too stunned to fight for his will.
            "It has everything to do with eggs," Luke answered as-a-matter-of-factly. I rolled my eyes and planned to leave the room as the tension grew hotter.
            I head to tackle the door and Calum caught my arm from what seemed like a mile away (just kidding, just stressing out his long hands). "You should really join us for dinner," he said, going all shy and timid all of a sudden.
            I stopped to think. Who the fuck did just invited me for dinner? Calum Thomas Hood just asked me to join them, as in 5sos for dinner. I can barely work out my respiratory system properly.
            "Me?" I squeaked, literally squeak. "Yes," he broke into his usual smile. Seems like all my self confidence somehow got transferred to him.
            Y'all must think, how can a receptionist like me, receive a dinner invitation from a well known band? Well, I'm not just a receptionist. I own a YouTube account. I mostly do vocals with the help of audio sounds. I do covers but I'm working on an original.
            I'm fairly famous, but let's not boast. I'm known as Hailee Steinfeld instead of Hailey Stainfield, my actual name. This inspired my stage name. Real Identity. R.I. For short. But seriously, my account is real 5sos trash. I'm going to be dead embarrassed if they find out about my account on all existent social media sites.
            Oh well. But back to my point earlier. MCalum asked me out for dinner and I'm geeking out real bad and I desperately need a way out, fast.
            My way out turned out to be agreeing to going out with them because why not? "S..sure!" I answered, hoping I don't sound so psyched. Calum chuckled and loosened his strong grip on my arm.
            "See you at 7," his satisfied smile delighted me.
            I went downstairs, getting ready to pack my stuff and leave for home. Since my dad basically manages this hotel, I can ask for an early leave. After all, I don't always, ask for a leave.
            I don't have my driver's license yet, although I'm eighteen. I just keep flunking my driver's test so badly it hurts. Seventeen is the youngest age we could obtain a driver's license but for a year I've been trying, still no luck. So I rang my mom.

"Hey mom,"
"Hey Hailey,"
"Could you pick me up?"
"I sorta got a umm, date to attend to,"
"Be there in 10,"

            And there she goes. So I waited at the hotel lobby. My mom arrived 10 minutes later, as she promised.
            I hoped into my mom's silver Volvo and buckled up. I waited for my mom to ask the burning question.
            "Sooooo, who's the lucky guy?" She said as she drummed her fingers on the steering wheel. "More like um the lucky girl," I muttered. "Huh?" She turned her head to me as fast as she said 'huh'.
            "Calum Hood," I let loose a dramatic, dreamy sigh. "Calum who?" Mom said, completely ruining the mood. "Calum Hood, mom," I groaned. "Okay, okay!" She laughed. "Now why does that name sound familiar?"
             "He's from that band I always jam to," I answered. "This one?" She pressed the 'CD Player' button. The intro of 'Vapor' by 5SOS (duh), my current favourite, filled the empty air.
            I instantly hummed along to the song. Then, a snap into reality, well, snapped me. A second ago, I would've been like, I should let the fact that my mom stole my CD that was filled with 5SOS songs slide. Then I was like, wait. MOM STOLE MY CDs?!
            I projected the thought loud and clear. "MOM, YOU STOLE MY CDs!!"

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