Chap 4 - Food

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            "What?!" I checked my wristwatch. It's 10 o'clock in the morning.
"Calum, it's 10 o'clock now,"
"So it's not breakfast time."
"So it's lunch time?"
"No, no it's not."
"So we don't get to eat?"
           "AWWW PLEASE HAILEEEEYYYY," Calum said in a loud tone. "Don't bother Calum, she won't give you a blowjob," Luke teased. "WHATTHEFUCK LUKE," I could tell Calum turned away from the phone. "Please?" He pouted again. Not going to lie but, that pout got me. Then I snap back into reality.
            "The buffets are probably already wiped out," I tried to reason with him. "Then you cook for us," he gave a suggestion that almost made me drop the phone. "HELL NO," I said, making it loud and clear.
            "Hahah, why not?" He giggled. "No, just no, okay?" I begged. "No." He stopped short to communicate with his mates. "GET YOUR FAT ASSES HERE. WE GOTTA JOIN FORCES IF WE WANT FOOOODDD," then I heard the boys whispering.
            When they came back, the most worst, off-keyed acapella I've ever heard was booming through the phone. I laughed at how hard they were trying. They singing the word 'please' all over again, only in different notes.
            After about a good 3 minutes, I can hear tire in their voices. But still, they never stopped. "Alright, alright fine! Just shut the fuck up and tell me what you want."
            "YAAAAASSSSS WE DID IIIITTTTTT," they all cheered. "Okay let's get ordering," Ashton took over the phone. "Alright so what do we want?"
"BACON AND EGGS," Michael said loudly. "STOP SCREAMING," Ashton matched up their tones. "I heard some crashing on the bed and the phone being swiped away from Ashton's hands. "Hey!" He cried.
           "OK, so we want a shit tonne of bacon," before Michael's voice could continue, I asked him to, "Define shit tonne of bacon." "Umm? Maybe like 20 strips? Anyway, then..." Michael trailed away and so did the phone. Now, it was in Luke's hands, "And eggs, yeah, we need eggs."
"Yeah, like, one for each of us," Calum snatched the phone away. "Ugh, fine," I groaned. "And one more thing," I sat there, anxious what Calum was going to request next, "You should laugh more," I heard sincerity in his voice that triggered my blush system. "Smooth," was the last thing Luke said before Calum hung up.
            I went to the kitchen and did something I haven't done in a long time. Cooking. Ugh, I hate cooking because I suck at it.
            I fried four eggs, each looking more different then before. Then I fried exactly 20 strips of bacon, no more, no less, divided them into four equal groups and carefully arranged them on the white porcelain plates. I decided to add some peppercorn and spices to spice it up a little.
             I successfully balanced all the plates, and myself to the boys' room.
            I kicked the room door, almost toppling myself over along with the plates.
            Almost instantly the door opened. "Calum's been waiting there ever since," Ashton said, hinting some feelings Calum had for me. "Was not!" Calum stressed. Ashton put his hands up as a sign of surrender, "Fine, your call."
            There goes the thought of me thinking, rockstar Calum has feelings for me. Even if he did, it wouldn't do me any good.
            I kept quite and deliberately enter the room. I then set all the plates on the wooden desk that set instant relief to my aching limbs.
            Calum popped up behind me being close enough that my shoulders and his chest was touching. "Those are some funny looking eggs," he breathed.
            I turned my head to face him, and literally, our faces also almost touched. "As if you're eggs look better," I said, smelling the his musky cologne that caught my breath in a flash.

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