Chap 38 - What makes you happy

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I blinked. He sat up so I did the same.
"I don't know, you know how most fans feel nervous to meet their idols. Yeah, I felt that a little when I found you, but then the nerves went away pretty quickly," he explained.
"Why is that?" I asked him. "I don't know," he faced me, "I instantly felt comfortable, and I think you were the one nervous," he smiled.
I let my torso fall back on the bed and he did the same. Then I turned my head and faced him.
We looked at each other until I said, "This is awkward." "Yeah," he nodded and we both sat back up.
"Do you mind if I look around?" Calum asked. "Nah," but on the inside I was praying that I don't have anything embarrassing stashed anywhere.
While Calum looked around, I propped myself in front of my bed's headrest and rested my head on it. I pulled my phone and was anxious to enter the world of Twitter.
The news had spread over to fans in the United States, Australia, United Kingdom and all. Everyone was bombing up Twitter with video footage and all. Some were questioning the chemistry between me and the band.
I managed to answer some before it became gossip material. While I was doing that, I looked behind my phone and was delighted to see him amused by my stuff.
"I only get to see this part of your room in videos," He said with full admiration. But true. I record in front of my white closet shutter doors because I liked the way it is as a background.
I grinned. He was being so cute. He opened my closet door and looked around. Then he squatted down where my collection of shoes sat.
"Wow, you play?" He held up a shoe. I put down my phone to have a better look at the shoe. It was my red Nike soccer boots. "Kinda," I shrugged. Then I remembered he played too. I wasn't really that good nor I was that bad.
"We should have a little match one day," he grinned sheepishly. "If that's what makes you happy boo," I told him and I meant it. If having a game of soccer with him makes him happy then so be it.
He placed the shoe back in its initial place and moved on. He stopped when he reached one corner of my room.
            "Do you play?" He pointed to an acoustic guitar I owned and lifted it a little. "Kinda?"
"Wow Hailey," he sighed. Well, it's true, I wasn't really that good nor I was that bad.
"Can you play?" He asked. I shrugged. Then a delighted smile spread crossed his face. "I can teach you." "Sounds lovely," I smiled back at him. I was really looking forward to it.
He gently placed the guitar back on its stand and placed himself on the bed next to me. "Wat'cha doin'?" He said wearily. He sounded worn out.
   I turned to him, "You should get some rest." "Mmm," he replied while playing with my hair. I find it cute when guys do this.
I shifted myself closer to him. He took my body language as a message and slipped a hand under my waist. Still I couldn't find the situation I was in believable. I was wrapped in Calum Hood's arm and the funny thing is, I didn't pay him to do it.
I was actually cuddling with Calum Thomas Hood. It was very dangerous for my respiratory system but I took the risk anyway.
I could barely think straight. I was clouded by his musky scent. The phone in front of me was a blur. So I decided to place it down.
            I turned to my side and was directly face to face to Calum. He smiled and I smiled too. Who can help that stupid smile.
            "I finally got to meet you," He nuzzled my nose. "And I to you."

Guys this chapter is so cute I'm crying and there's also something else to cry abouttttt -K. J.

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