Chap 20 - Morning blues

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"NOT LIKE THAT," Calum exclaimed quietly, as if Michael, Luke and Ashton don't already know he's hiding in there.
"Okay okay, why are they doing this though?" I changed the topic. "Uhh, I kinda cheated in a game of cards. And rock, paper, scissors. And Truth & Dare. And I also poured cold water into Ashton's pants and now he's outside, armed with his drumsticks..."
             I heartily laughed at Calum. They're so lucky to have such a brotherly bond like that. I'd give anything to start a band with a such a bond.
               "It's not funny. I'm seriously being cornered in the toilet," he huffed. "Who asked you to sabotage Ashton's pants," I laughed.

-Calum's POV (Yaaayyy)-
              "It was Luke and Michael. I picked Dare," only because I just know it, if I picked Truth, they'd ask me all sorts of unavoidable questions about tonight, or should I say last night.
                 "And they asked me to pour cold water into Ashton's pants through a whisper. They also told me to make up a fake dare out loud so Ashton wouldn't know, and ya, it happened."
                 I was returned with a giggle from Hailey. God, she's freaking adorable. I've been watching her covers for awhile now. Maybe I'd even been watching her YouTube channel ever since she started. That's why I recognized her so much.
"Well, I'm just saying, you should definitely get some rest. Don't you have a big day tomorrow? Rehearsals and shit," she said and I think I heard her yawn. Yeah, maybe I shouldn't keep her waiting.
"Yeah okay," I shrugged.
"Oh and Hailee?"
"You're on housekeeping duty tomorrow."
"Wait but I-"
"Byeeee, and, wear something nice tomorrow."
I hung up.
I held my phone close to my chest and broke a smile I've been holding. Hailee has no idea what to expect tomorrow.
I finally gathered the balls and courage to open the door and acquire the wrath of my friends.
"Whattap dipshits."
"Michael get me my drumsticks."

-Hailey's POV-
Wear something nice tomorrow? What? What is going on. I'm suppose to be off duty but Calum had requested for my service. I decided to text him because, to be honest, I wanna start hibernating tomorrow.

Me: Do I HAVE to do housekeeping tomorrowwwww
Calum: Yessss
Me: Whyyyyy
Calum: Because I trust you
Me: That's the lamest excuse ever
Calum: ikr, sounds like it came from a cheesy romantic movie..
Me: Ahahahahahhahaha true
Calum: So you'd take the job right?
Me: As much as I don't want to, yeah. You owe me like 24 hours of sleep.
Calum: I can give you much more ;)))
Me: *rolls eyes* lookin forward to that
Calum: Haha, me too. Goodnight Hail
Me: Night Cal xx

I switched off my phone and lay it on my chest. I lazily got back up and snatched my Nike earphones from my purse. I plugged it in my phone and shuffle played my playlist. First song that came up, Tomorrow Never Dies.
• • • • •
Beep beep beep. Me: Shut up alarm.
I groggily got up to shut the alarm up. I sank back onto my fluffed pillow. My upper eyelids slid back down and reconnected to my bottom eyelid.
When I recalled what happened last night, the only body part that was not lazy to move was my mouth. Oh how it lusted for his own. I wasn't going to deny it. Or maybe I'm just woozy because it's so early in the morning.
I was right, I'm not thinking straight. Right after I realized that fact, I find myself sitting inside my closet... with the closet door closed. What in the actual fuck am I doing?
Oh right, I automatically got up to find clothes to wear when I recalled I had to go tidy up 5sos' bedroom.
Now that I'm literally in the closet, I might as well make use of it. I stood up from the cramped space in between a few stacks of shoeboxes and various arranged handbags and I got my head whacked by the horizontal metal pole that holds up clothing hung up by hangers.

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