Chap 14 - Coz you suck

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I pulled out a slender white wire which was my Nike earphones from my purse and plugged it into my dying phone to listen to some music and scroll through social medias.
Even Calum had earphones stuffed into his ears.
On Twitter, all the boys updated about tomorrow's show that I sadly cannot attend. Like, like, like. Retweet, retweet, retweet.
I groaned as I overlooked the top of my iPhone where the percentage of the battery was at 17%. I put down my phone on the table and let the music flow through the systems of my phone until it dies.
The rhythmic bobs of my head and taps of my feet to the music continued until Calum slides dollar bills on the table towards me.
"Is this enough to cover my part of the bill?" He stiffly asked after I unplugged the earphone on my left side. "What?" I asked back, puzzled.
"I don't have any Malaysian ringgits with me right now sooooo, umm maybe a couple of American dollars?" He had this look on his face that made me laugh and forget that we had some kind of fit going on.
"It's okay, really," I laughed unhesitatingly. He had the sign of relief on his face that relieved me too. "Just take it as a friendly gesture," Don't even ask me why I said that. "Oh..." I looked down to his shoes and moved on to his phone. All reliefs and jolly was now vanished just like that.
Wow me, just wow. I sighed at my stupid mouth that didn't think that thinking is a priority and went back to bobbing my head and tapping my feet to music while it lasts.
"So what're you listening to?" He started a conversation which I could hear because my music wasn't that loud. What am I listening to anyways?
Sometimes, I get so into the beats, melodic tempos and tones that I get completely unaware of mental and physical things. Just as long as it's enjoyably good, I stick with it.
Uh oh, bad timing. I was listening to Safety Pin by You Know Who (No, it's not Voldemort. Harry Potter anyone?) and was completely embarrassed to show him my phone screen and the other details of my phone.
"Erm," I passed him my phone with Spotify's lock screen music image.
I squeezed my eyes close so tight that there might me a 50 percent chance I might never be able to open it again.
The eyelid on my right lifted open for a quick check. Calum was already ahead of me. He smirked at me and I hope there's something called blushing without turning not even the lightest shade of red because I would turn crimson in a matter of seconds.
I decided to play his game too, or maybe get to know him. "What are you listening to?" He looked hesitant for a second then passed me his phone. "Guilty," he winked. I raised my eyebrows at his perkiness.
On his phone's lock screen, Spotify as well, was one of a custom cover I made for my Spotify account. Guess which playlist it was, the one where it was full of 5sos covers by me.
I'm probably red like a freaking lobster by now. "Uh, interesting choice," I handled a weak smile. "I know right," he grinned stupidly that it made me laugh at his sarcasm.
"I never thought anyone would sound better than us," he boasted. I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, coz you suck." "True," he answered blankly and an eruption of laughter began.
I looked at the time on my phone which was down to 5%. Easily 11:14 PM. "C'mon, we gotta go," I picked up my drink and the rest of my belongings. "Kay," he stifled a tired yawn and sipped a little bit of his espresso.

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