Chap 3 - Breakfast

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I heard wheels rolling out the door, on the carpeted floors. The bell boy.
            He grew louder and louder towards us until he stopped short. From the door I can hear his muffled voice.
"Omg! 5sos is in there right?!"
"Umm no?"
"AAAHHHHH, I can recognize that bag from anywhere! It's Ashton's isn't it?!"
            "Jesus, fucking fangirls," I mumbled. I stood up from the bed, having enough of her crap.
            I pulled out something behind my blazer, safely tucked in the waistband of my skirt. A taser gun. I wasn't allowed to bring an actual gun around so I have been supplied with this taser gun I rarely use. Even if I do use it, I only threaten to use it.
            "Holy shit," I heard Michael say. I opened the door and the girl was there. First second, her eyes shined with hope, the next, it darkens with pessimism. "I'm sorry but you have to go back to your room," I started gently.
            She stubbornly glued her feet to the ground but hey, how hard is it to peel of weak glue from carpets? You may loose a few carpet fur but that can't hurt now, can it.
            She gasp as I pull out the taser gun and settled into position. "I.. Umm.. I think I hear my mom calling me," quickly she ran off.
            "Phew," I let out a breath of air. Handling a gun, even if it's that harmless, you just never know.
            "Hailey's a badass," I recognize Calum's voice and clapping in their rooms. "Stop it with the tease, I saved your lives from a fangirl. Ooh, they're dangerous. Attacks are their deadliest moves," I said, in experience of being a fangirl myself. "Okay, okay Hailey, chill out," said Luke. Now that I realize that they're using my name real often, I got some suspicions running through my head.
            "How do you know..." before I could even make it sound like a question, Michael was pointing to my blazer from the couch he was sitting in. I looked down to see a gold rectangular badge with my name carved into it. "Oh," I grasp my name tag for a few seconds until I let go.
"Ok, I gotta go downstairs now, I'm pretty sure you all know how to use a phone right?" I looked at all of them. "I don't," Calum chipped in. "Well then too bad," I opened the door and left the room. I leaned into the door for a few seconds.
"Not bad huh," I heard Luke's voice. "What?" Calum asked. "Her, pretty feisty," Luke answered. "Yeah, whatever," Calum said in the worse way possible to not care at all. Then I heard crashing of pillows onto human torsos and was convinced they had fallen into an war of pillow fight.
I went down to resume my unattended duties.
        •            •            •            •            •
            It's been 2 hours since the 5sos members checked in and they have already given me tonnes of shit to do, especially Calum. Oh and wanna hear the best part? They all personally requested for my assistance, especially Calum.
            Ring ring. Goes the phone for me. "Hello," I was already tired of this word. "Hey Hail," Calum's casual voice rang out. "Since when do you call me Hail, Cal?" I actually like that pet name surprisingly. "Since when do you call me Cal?" He grinned. "Ugh, this is like your 276th call, what'd you want," I said.
            "Woah, you counted?" He asked astonished. "No, haha," I let a small laugh escape. "Because the last time I checked, this is our 276th call," he said as a matter of factly. "Guilty," I sang. "Anyways, what is it that you want?"
"CALUM WANTS YOU!!" I heard shouting in the back ground. "SHUT UP MICHAEL GORDON CLIFFORD." Calum shot back.
            I could have sworn my cheeks heated up for 1.2 milliseconds. Then there's laughing in the background. I decided to join in. "As I was saying before I got rudely interrupted by," he said in a gentleman-like manner which made me drown in giggles. "W...what?!" He said, trying to contain his erupting laughter.
            "Nothing, go on," I said, still smiling. "OK, Hailey, we want breakfast."

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