The Beginning of my Actual life -A Linkin Park Fan Fic

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*Hey so I really love Linkin Park and this is my first story so here goes..*

'The Beginning of my Actual Life' Chapter 1 -Run@w@y

I just wanted it to stop. All the fighting and arguing. The threats and disrespect. I couldn't stand it any longer. I had to get away.

I'm lost more in myself than anywhere else, no one knows where I am. Not even myself. I found my body trembling in the cold air. Hugging my body to my knees against some dingy wall while I think about what I've done.

I know why I left. What pushed me over the edge. Crazy stuff no one should ever hear said about themselves tha are equally as upsetting as they are to forget. I'm not gonna lie but now I'm sitting in a dark alley splitting off of a street I don't even know the name of. Feeling very sure of myself. Ha not. No one will see me though or if they do they will probably just think I'm another silly drunk or homeless girl.

They might possibly be able to make out my silhouette. They wont really care. It's funny coz most people are like that. Just don't care.

Technically I am screwed, there is no way in hell I'm going back there especially now. I've wanted to leave for a while now. Ever since I got to know my mum's boyfriend. I don't know what she sees in him anyway.

Oh well that and since I saw through the elaborate thick layers of lies she had woven around my and my lil brothers head. I had to leave. I've never been so sure about anything in my whole life. I always hated her need to lie all the time. It's like a disease. Definitely a few bits lose.

I'm pretty lost and completely without a plan. Way too go Skye look at the mess you've gotten yourself into now. I have virtually nothing just my t shirt it was my older brother's and far too big for me but still my favourite and a pair of ripped jeans. My hair probably looks like a mess but right now I couldn't care less.

Other than my clothes I've only got my mp3. My older brother gave it to me. Still regretting no one ever really held out a hand to him, even his own mother gave up on him as a lost cause, who fucking does that. He was a pretty awesome guy. Always look up to that guy even if now I have to look a bit higher.

He gave me the mp3 the first day I met him. Yes I met him. I'm not like most kids they know their family from when they're born. Not me. I was 9 when I met my brother, Kristopher. I always hated mum for moving me to the other side of the country so she could marry some guy in Perth. A pretty selfish thing when you don't think about how your kids feel or talk to them about it. I had two weeks to tie up loose ends and say goodbye to my bestfriends.

I feel sorry for having to leave my bro there with them but I couldn't take it anymore. I would have done something fucking stupid if I stayed and I mean really fucking stupid.

Not that running away from home in the middle of the night with no food or water isn't stupid. I guess I was sick of staring at the ceiling for all of my home life, I needed a change of scenery. I don't even know how many hours I've spent staring at the roof asking myself why i'm still here and what i'm supposed to do when I feel completely defeated. I let the ceiling consume all my frustration so I didn't become a bitter person.

Negativity. I can't help the thoughts they find their way into me. All of it stacking up in my mind trying to escape but instead building up. Maybe one day I will find something that will cure me of these thoughts. Music only slows them down. I thought it was actually ironic that I turned on my mp3 and Linkin Park Runaway came on as I walked straight out the front door.

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