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'The Beginning Of My Actual Life

      ~Chapter 30 'Unexpected'

*Heads up, emotional chapter*

Chaz's POV

'Well I-' but Skye was interrupted by a knock on the door.

'Mike isnt supposed to be here for about an hour' I voiced out loud.

'Isnt that his car though?' Skye asked pointing through the window.

'Uh yeah i guess so, you stay here he probably forgot his hat or something. I'll be right back.' I put my hand on the side of her face and gave her a quick kiss before going downstairs.

'Mikey whatup you forget someth-' His face was completely pale. He's always the person in the band that cheers everyone up, always walking around with a smile and a joke or twenty.

'Whats wrong?' I asked a little high pitched.

'Where's Skye?' he asked ignoring my question.


'Okay come over here.' He said walking into the laundry.

'The police have been looking for her since she ran away but dropped it today, because she turned sixteen. What's wrong though is its her brother, Dan. H-He uhm-he was found early this morning about 2am with several bruises most of them new with a few old. He was you know from a tree. Police said it was quick.' Mike explained.

'Shit!!!' I forgot about being quiet.

'Is he?' I had to ask.

'Gone.' Mike said in a dull voice.

I could feel the life draining from my body as a churning pit started in my stomach.

'I dont know I- I dont want to have to tell her, how am i supposed to-?' I couldnt seem to wrap my head around a sentence.

Mike gave me a hug none of that bro stuff a proper hug and we just stood there with blank looks on our faces wanting to cheer each other up but not being able to.

After a while my breathing steadied and I pulled away taking a step back. I was shaking all over but trying to keep it together. I didnt even get to meet him but I know he meant a lot to Skye and this is going to be really hard for her, she's gonna be hard on herself.

'What am I supposed to say man?'

'Just say the truth man. Make sure there's nothing sharp,throwable or anything that can be used to hurt someone as well.'

'She wouldnt mean it if she hurt me man.' 'I know, I mean to hurt herself with.'

'Yeah I'll definitely check first, does Jade know?'

'Not yet, youre the first person I told. I asked her to stay at home though because I want to know where she is, definitely confused but hasnt asked too many questions. I'll need to get back to her soon but I'll stay for a while. Don't take this the wrong way but Skye might feel more secure with another person she knows here.'

'Im gonna go talk to her, I'll call you up depending how it goes.'

'You know I got your back man. Take your time but dont sugar coated it too much that will just make her mad. The facts.' Mikey replied attempting a weak smile.

I chose not to return it, I didnt have the heart for it I just nodded and with every step upwards my heart felt heavier. I hope I never have to do this again.

The Beginning of my Actual life -A Linkin Park Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now