Pink Camo, Taco's and Blue Hair

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'The Beginning of My Actual Life'

~Chapter 23- 'Pink Camo, Taco's and Blue Hair'

*I haven't edited it as much as I usually do coz its long and I just want to getit  up so I can get the feedback Rollin xP

Anyways enjoy awesome ppl...*

30 minutes later and after a lot of struggling, clothes passing hands and chasing Chester around the shop coz he stole my jeans, while having to wear a pair from the shop with tags hanging out and a belt roughly warped around my waist later we bought a few outfits each.

Chaz insisted I get at least some girly ish clothes. I had already been eyeing off a pink camo combat outfit with black knee high boots but that didn't stop me trying to switch them out for motocross boots until Chaz realised at the last minute made me go n get the other ones.

After calling him by his full name in the middle of the shop he let me get the motox boots as well.

Just before we left he made me close my eyes for a few minutes as he did something. I noticed an extra unaccounted for shopping bag n wondered what was so special about it but pushed it aside.

I ended up walking out of the shop happily while Chaz stressed the fact that he was gonna carry the bags. I complained about it at first but figured he would change his mind within 10 minutes anyways, but nope.

He must workout more than I thought coz he hasn't even cracked a sweat.

'You right there baby?' I asked anyways.

'Haha yeah I'm fine, worried I'm gonna wreck your new clothes?'

'Nah I'm worried you'll be too tired to hug me later'

'Nah it's all good, the hugs can wait.'

I laughed knowing he was kidding. Didn't stop me elbowing him in the ribs though.

'Here's another good one' he said attempting to point to a shop on the left side but he couldn't really lift his arm much muscles or no muscles they were still cutting into his arms. I feel bad but Geez he's the stubborn one. This time.

I told him to stay there n came back a few moments later with a trolley. 'Now that you've shown off put the stuff in there. Oh and I'm driving the trolley.'

'Aww but-'

'Nope. I never ever get to.' I said cutting him off.

I think he said something about this not ending well but I couldn't quite hear him properly. I ended up giving a death stare to let him know what I think I heard.

We decided to leave the shopping trolley outside anyway because the isles were filled too tightly with clothes to get it through.

I did the I'm watching you gesture to Chaz n then the trolley.

He did the same back to me and walked ahead smiling at me and for the tenth time today my stomach dropped and I felt insanely happy. I smiled back and saw his face fall.

'What's wrong?' I asked having no idea what could make his mood change that fast.

'Come over here and I'll tell you, well sort of.' His voice was quieter too.

'What do you mean by sort of?'

He pulled me between two closely packed shelves.

'I can't tell wether you're worried or you want to burst out laughing.'

I said semi laughing myself.

'I dunno either' he said smiling down at me. Looking into my eyes then my lips then back again.

The Beginning of my Actual life -A Linkin Park Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now