I'd Give Him About 10 Minutes

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The Beginning of My Actual Life'

~Chapter 28 'I'd Give Him 10 Minutes'

Skye's POV~

It was a little silver linked chain with an infinity sign and two blue dolphins on top of it like they were jumping over it.

'I love it babe!' I gave him a hug and he spun me around.

'Sweet sixteen baby' I kissed him and he started walking towards the kitchen. Then he said 'Just gonna need a few minutes guys' he pretended to take his shirt off and kept kissing me.

'My suspicions of you guys ditching us earlier are only getting worse' Mike said and everyone laughed while Chaz put me down. He picked up something.

'Huh what's this? says its too a Skye Rogers, anyone know that name?'

'No dont think I have' Jade and Mike replied in unison.

'That's funny me neither'

I looked at Chaz. 'Oh c'mon it's my birthday don't be a meanie.'

He had another little parcel and he was holding it above his head.

'I don't like you anymore' I stated while jumping up and grabbing thin air several times.

'I know, because you love me' He said poking his tongue at me.

Actually that gave me an idea. I walked over to him and sat on his lap. 'Who cares about that, when I can have you for my birthday' I whispered into his ear. His arm started to shake. I heard Mike saying they'll be in the kitchen and I leaned back a bit before placing my forehead against his and biting his lip playfully. His hips started to move. 'No. Birthday girl calls the shots. And I say nice and slow.' I bit his lip again drawing blood before pressing myself closer and kissing him. I felt both his arms wrap around me and something hit the floor next to me.

He kissed back but I closed my teeth not letting him in. I held his shoulders to balance myself as I got up bent down to pick up a certain something and walked towards the kitchen turning around only to wink at him.

'Hey guys look what I got' I said to Jade and Mike as I walked in smiling holding up the present.

'Haha he usually doesn't crack that easily'

'Oh don't worry he's pretty cracked right now, I'd give him about 10 minutes.'

They both came over and we looked around the corner. He was still sitting there staring into space showing no signs of snapping out of it either.

'You got him pretty good' Jade said hi fiving me without Mike knowing who was in front of us. He walked over to Chaz and pushed him off the chair.


'You had to snap out of it bro'

'Out of wha-' then his eyes found me.

'That was unfair, do you like your present?'

I held up my new iPod so the light would catch on the back of it right into his eye. I had unwrapped it while talking to Jade.

'You don't have to do that I can see it yano, or not' he said blinking and looking away.

I just laughed and gave him a hug giving him my hand to get up. He took it but spun it around so I was on his lap.

'Let me go!'

'Only if you say please'

'Fine. Please?'

'Hey you said you would let go'

The Beginning of my Actual life -A Linkin Park Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now