You Wish Jellyfish

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The Beginning of My Actual Life- Linking Park FanFic

Chapter 20- 'You Wish Jellyfish'

*Yay 20th chapter xD*

Skye's POV

I woke up to the sheets moving, I can  feel a weird sensation. I opened my eyes and Chaz was there gently tracing shapes on my stomach, propped up on his elbow.

'Mm' I murmured happily remembering everything from today.

'I'm sorry babe but I can't keep my hands off you, this morning was really...'

'Awesome?' I suggested.

'Yeah' he said grinning.

'I want to do it again' I stated.

'Hmm me too.'

'Next time Im gonna show you a few things' he said

'What type of things?'


'Bite me' I said poking my tongue out at him.

He lent toward me gently grazing my tongue with his teeth before kissing me fully on the lips rolling his own against mine.

'I should poke my tongue at you more often' I said after he broke it off.

'What if I poke my tongue at you first' he said poking his tongue at me.

I copied his previous actions, making his hands drift to my waist.

'Babe stop or I'm gonna regret this' he said uncomfortably shifting his position.

I understood what he meant, 'I'm gonna go have a shower.'

He looked at me hopefully.

'You wish jellyfish and not helping by the way'

I got up and went over to his walk in wardrobe grabbing some random shirt and pair of jeans walking out of the room. Only to run back in to grab a belt.

I felt his eyes on me the whole  way. Oh man what have I done.

I think I've created a horny monster.

I had a good long hot shower n now I'm feeling cleaner, a lot less dirty and now I smell good too.

I put the oversized clothes on. I really gotta go shopping. I'll ask Chaz to take me this afternoon.

I hopped out of the bathroom and went into the lounge room. Chaz was playing Halo, the game we had ditched to do well other things.

He looked up at me and smiled. He's looking better, I thought.

He picked up the other remote and gestured for me to take it. I grabbed it and made to sit next to him. He picked me up and sat me on his lap. We stayed like that for a while his controller in front of me and his arms either side of me yelling pew-pew and making explosion noises. We're playing campaign n we working together pretty well.

I was really enjoying it and found myself leaning back so my head was in line with his just slightly higher.

We starting 'kissing the other person better' everytime they died.

I think he's deliberately dying now.

'Are you getting killed on purpose?'

'Why would you say that?'

'Coz this is probably your 30th time playing this level and you know that ledge is there and you just fell off it.'

'Pfft maybe it did it coz I wanted you kiss me' He said.

'Maybe I like it when you don't purposely die, I mean what would I do without a guy who could cook pancakes as good as you?'

'I'm honored' He said.

'I'm gonna go have a shower, ill be back soon and I promise I won't play dirty.'

'Why do I not believe that one bit?' I replied standing up so he could get up. His hand lingered on my waist as he walked past. Oh Boy.

20-ish minutes and 4 levels of controller-switching-to-make-sure-his-character-didn't-get-too-far -behind- later he walked out. Wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. Oh boy somebody call my friend selfcontrol.

He turned off the tv and sat next to me.

I turned to him, I shifted around and placed one cheek against his chest and one hand on his abs. What. I have a soft spot for abs. Don't judge.

He put an arm around me.

'Could you do me a favor Chaz'

'What's that?'

'Put a shirt on.'


'I'm just kidding you look better without it, I need you to take me shopping later'

'Sure but I'm gonna miss you wearing my clothes, you make them look sexy' He smirked

'They were sexy the moment you bought them' I replied

'And I only bought them coz I knew they would look sexy on you'

'I'm pretty sure you've had this shirt n stuff longer than you've known me.'

'Not true, I bought them while you were in hospital' He said grinning at my silence.

I wonder if that's true, nah, he's probably just messing with me.

Then we sorta just chilled sitting there quietly for a while. It was actually really nice.

Then he broke it.

'Hey babe'


'Will you be my girlfriend?'


*If you want to read more please vote n stuff*


The Beginning of my Actual life -A Linkin Park Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now