Le Tour

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'The Beginning of My Actual Life'

Chapter 9 - Le Tour (no, not in a dirty way don't get too excited)

I woke up and it took me a few frightened seconds to remember where I was and then the memories of earlier came flooding back to me. My clothes were dry but slightly damp.

A huge grin appeared on my face. I looked at Chester and saw a huge grin on his sleepy face too. His hair was all ruffled and I had to look away before I started staring again.

It was about 7pm now I judged looking outside through the curtains. We sat up and I blushed realising I had been laying half on top of him. He smiled at my embarrassment and picked up his phone checking the time. He doesn't seem to mind then. That's good right? No. No it's not. He's 4yrs older than you.

Did I just lose a fight with myself? Or does that mean technically I won? Or both? Ahhhhh I'm confused.

"It's 7:36pm now, what do you want for tea?" He asked still wearing the most killer smile on his face.

"Umm I dunno actually I was thinking maybe I will cook dinner tonight. I mean you've been so nice to me and let me stay with you. I'm sure I can find something edible." Wait. Why on earth did I just say that. It hadn't planned it at all. Too late now I better think of something good. I'm not actually that bad at cooking. How bad can I do?

He looked surprised but nodded. "Alright then I hear teenage girls are amazing cooks so I'm not complaining. While we have tea you can tell me about why you ran@w@y (couldn't resist :D ) no excuses or distractions this time I want to know." I sighed.

"Okay then I guess, where's your kitchen?" I asked realising I had never actually seen it before. I only had a rough idea.

"C'mon then miss, I will give you a tour of le kitchen." He linked arms with me and walked me into the kitchen pouting his lips. Which made me giggle. Aww I just couldn't help it I know I should've pulled away too but I mean it's not that big of a deal.

"Now to your left young lady we have the oven and microwave," he said flourishing his free hand towards them."

"I can see that Captain Obvious," I replied. He continued his tour exactly like that... And to your right we have... To your left we have... Receiving smart ass comments from me at every opportunity earning me many grins from him. But hey I'm not complaining it kinda inspired to find more things to say.

He can grin at me with those amazing teeth and face and hair and... -Well you get it- all he wants. He took his sweet time though. Never releasing my arm.

By the time his was done with the tour of 'le' kitchen it was already 8:00pm. I saw the time on his phone which he had left on the bench light up as the hour changed. He grinned at me again releasing my arm and went into the lounge room to play Halo by the sounds of it. I heard many 'pew, pew, pew-pews' and other sound effects coming from him.

Chaz had pointed out every appliance, powerpoint and utensil. Which was funny coz he didn't know the names of half of them.

Instead compromising with 'thingo' or 'Jimmy mabob' and waving it around where I would step in and say that's a spatula Chaz and take it off of him before he killed someone or even worse, himself.

By the time he was done I felt like I had lived here, with him, for years.

It was strangely enjoyable just listening to him drawl on and constantly trying to make jokes.

At one point he grabbed a fork and put it on his head, wiggling it and pretending he was a unicorn. I was nearly sick from laughing he chuckled noting the colour change in my face to pale from not breathing enough.

Was he deliberately taking forever? He could've done it in 5mins. I feel like I can chill out around him. He hasn't judged me at all.

Yet, I keep reminded myself. He doesn't know much at the moment. I don't like keeping him in the dark but I don't want it to affect our friendship. Yeah wait til I tell him and see if he still thinks the same way. Ha yeah right. Some part of me was telling me I could trust him though. How much? I don't know.

I let out a long, drawn out sigh realising it was gonna be a long night.


* Hey Peeps, thanks for the 99 reads! :D So when I started this I had loads of ideas and I wrote all the way up to chapter 9 pretty much all at the same time. Now that I've caught up with myself it's gonna be more random and stuff. I haven't used much of Chester's POV so do you want me to more often? If you have any suggestions or ideas you want to see done just comment or inbox. Please Vote+ leave a comment. I start school tomorrow so might be slower updating, might not. :)*

Cya Peeps n stay awesome,


The Beginning of my Actual life -A Linkin Park Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now