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'The Beginning of My Actual Life'

~Chapter 25 'Stop.Being.Cheesy.'

*It's semi short but I need to get it up so I can start on the next chapter ^-^*

Skye's POV

I felt myself slowly waking up and recognising Chaz's room. I couldn't see Chaz though. He must have gotten up already. I layed there stretching enjoying the space of the whole bed to myself before getting up and closing the door getting changed into a pair of black denim shorts and a ripped up greenday shirt that says Uno! Duo! Tres! brushing my hair and teeth and such before walking barely in a straight line, downstairs but as I turned the corner I ran into Chaz. Me obviously being the one to go flying to the ground.

'I'm so sorry babe didnt see you there' he said genuinely surprised as he gave me his hand to get up.

'You okay?' He asked when I didn't take it.

'I'm fine' I replied

'Well uh do you want some help up?' 'Nah it's cool' I said back, still lying on the floor.

'Uh are you gonna get up though?' Haha he's getting really confused.

'Nah this is actually comfy'

'The floor?'


He shrugged laying down on top of me, his chest touching mine whispering 'Well then uh maybe you should get up coz I've got a surprise for you' grazing his lips against mine knowing that would get me up.

'What is it?'

'Wouldn't be a surprise if I told you'

'Uhhh fiiiine but this is seriously comfy' I said, Chaz giving me his hand to get up.

He led me into the lounge room except it didn't look like the lounge room, all the furniture was against the walls except a little table which was overflowing with snacks and chocolate.

And the best part of the whole set up, the layers upon layers of blankets with pillows on top, facing the tv with more blankets and pillows all over the furniture and covering most of the floor.

'Ohmygosh it's a pillow fort!' I said a bit too loud, standing on my tip-toes to hug Chaz wrapping my arms around his neck giving him a kiss on the cheek.

'That's okay baby' he said laughing at my reaction. Though seeming proud of himself at the same time.

'What's the occasion?'

'You don't know?'


'Well you'll know in about... *looks at his phone* 4hrs but until then what movies do you want to watch?'

I looked around and just when I was about to ask him where they were I saw a massive stack of them.

'Do you like popcorn with butter or salt?' He asked heading for the kitchen.

'Sprinkled with icing sugar if you have some'

'But you're sweet enough' He said grinning.

'Stop. Being.Cheesy.' I said throwing a pillow at him to emphasize each word.

He just laughed and ran into the kitchen as they all missed.

I went back to looking through his movie collection smiling to myself.

There were quite a few I didn't know like Fast and Furious?? Sounds cool though. The Titanic, I think I've sorta heard a bit about it apparently it's really sad.

The Beginning of my Actual life -A Linkin Park Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now