Concerts and Surprises, Part 2

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The Beginning of My Actual Life- Linkin Park FanFic

Chapter 15- 'Concerts and Surprises, Part 2'


Chester's POV

I took her hand and ran off again, feeling the adrenaline from her touch as her fingers curled around mine. But then it was also because we were attempting to run through a thick crowd of thousands of people with bad B.O.

Either way it made me feel alive. For a second I lost my sight of Joseph and I stalled which was a pretty silly idea due to the fact that Skye was partially running behind me. That's when I felt a heavy force of weight run into my back causing me to tumble over. I rolled over so I was on top of the other person I was sure was Skye.

~End Of Recount~

I ignored the throbbing in my shoulder and began breathing heavily to regain the breathe that was just quite literally knocked out of me. Then I looked down at a cute face centimetres from mine, her eyes were following mine as I looked up her body until I was staring into her deep brown irises. She opened her mouth but I didn't hear her say anything. My hands were in the dirt above her shoulders and next to the sides of her face. I could feel the heat radiating from her body, I could hear her breathing just as ragged as mine.

Then some dumbass tripped over my arm so I brought the other one up to protect us both from the clumsy interrupter, while dropping my side to the ground to keep balance. I felt like tearing the persons face off, couldn't they see what was going to happen.

What was going to happen? I have no idea but I bet I was going to like it.

Then I realised the dumbass was Joseph.

Skye's POV

Chester brought himself up off the ground in one easy movement and brushed the dirt off his hands and knees before stretching his hand out to help me up. It's not fair, he recovered faster than me. I was still out of breath and their was a burning sensation in my face as obvious as a neon sheep in a boat with white feathered ducks. Doesn't help that I only just passed my medical to be released from hospital due to my broken leg, the doctor said its fine to do normal exercises now as long as I stop if it starts hurting and it doesnt, other than a few scratches.

Once I stood up I silently brushed the grass and dirt off the side of his shirt, its a shame coz it is an Uno! Dos! Tres! one, Green Day fan huh. Ahhh as if he isn't attractive enough.

He did the same to me gently brushing his hands over my back and sides in a business like way, seemingly oblivious to what was about to happen. I don't actually know what was going to happen but I bet I was going to like it I thought grinning as I saw him sporting a cheeky smile.

I leant closer to his face and brushed a piece of grass out of his hair 'missed a bit' I whispered In his ear, my chin almost resting on his shoulder. I felt him shiver and I could feel my confidence rising.

'Get a room you two!' I heard a male voice saying behind us.

'Hey Josie' Chaz grinned not seeming fussed at all about the previous events.

They bumped fists and I swear I heard Josie? curse under his breath.

'Cmon man I'm doing ya a fava'

'Fair enough' Chester replied then he pointed to me, 'Skye, Joseph yeah you two can figure out who's who'

Joseph chuckled and starting talking about whatever guys do, I zoned out focusing on what just happened.

I can feel something there when I think of him but I'm not sure i'm ready to go there, not officially at least. Maybe I should just see where the future takes us.


'Yo whatsup, whatever it is, I didn't do it!' I said defensively.

'Chill here take this.' He said passing me another piece of plastic. Then he showed me how to connect then and a smile plastered across my face, finally it's all making sense.

'I know where there's some water taps we passed them earlier' I said.

After the short walk I went to take my contraption out from its hiding place in the small of my back, but instead my hand met Chaz's 'let me get that for you' he whispered in my ear similarly to how I had previously but this time his hand lingered a fraction of a second to long trailing my shirt up a bit more than he should have, while still keeping it respectful.

I couldn't stop the gasp escaping and immediately regretted it as I have now shown the same weakness as he had shown me.

I took the plastic toy from his hand and let my fingertips brush over the palm of his hand. After that I didn't make another touch-connection with him for a while. To be honest I was scaring myself with the straightforward-ness of my actions.

Chaz's POV

Before Skye could react I leaned over jamming the water tap with my thumb so that it shot straight at her. I couldn't help but laugh at her shock, that was before she did the same and we just stood there like that acting like children for the next few minutes until we both yelled 'Mercy!' at the same time which was difficult due to the uncontrollable laughter.

I wiped my hand across my face to deter the droplets of water threatening to temporarily blind me. I looked over and saw Skye doing the same and moving the hair out of her eyes. They were still sparkling with happiness and I felt that in that moment nothing else mattered but the lights twinkling behind her eyes. She took my breath away and I thought I wouldn't be able to stop myself, but then I heard the signal Joseph had prepared. Dammit, I'll take care of my feelings later.

I filled Skye in with the plan as we filled up our lil contraptions, she heard it too and now- and now it's action time. We both smiled at each other before fighting our way to the front row.

Action time.

*2 updates in a day, It's my 15th bday as of an hour ago n its 4:20 in the morning n I'm awake updating wattpad ahaha, vote please?*


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